Sat 6-July-2024

Specialist warns of UAE attempts to buy real estate in J’lem

Wednesday 21-April-2021

Jerusalem affairs specialist Mazen al-Ja’bari has warned of Emirati attempts to purchase Palestinian real estate in Occupied Jerusalem through Palestinian straw buyers.

Ja’bari explained that some persons who have ties with UAE claimed a few months ago that they wanted to purchase stores of Jerusalemite merchants in the Old City to help them survive the coronavirus lockdown that affected their businesses and their livelihoods.

Ja’bari according to al-Qastal news network affirmed that some field committees in the Old City followed and confirmed UAE attempts to buy commercial stores in the Old City of Jerusalem through straw buyers.

He added that these committees managed to frustrate these attempts after talking to the owners and warning them.

He said that it is not surprising for UAE which has an alliance with Israel to buy real estate in Jerusalem and sell them to Jewish settlers and groups.

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