Sun 6-October-2024

Statistics: 91% of refugees in Gaza positive they will return

Thursday 12-April-2018

Statistics released on Tuesday by the Center for Studies and Public Opinion at al-Aqsa University in Gaza revealed that 82% of Palestinians have sufficient knowledge of the right of return.

According to the survey 98% of the refugees refuse to give up their right of return 72% have sufficient information about their towns and villages from which their families were displaced in 1948 and 91% have a firm belief in the possibility of return.

The statistics underlined that 92.5% of the refugees surveyed affirmed that enforcing the UN resolutions on the Palestinian refugees issue will help them return while 72% are not optimistic about achieving return through the UN resolutions.

About 55.4% of the refugees said that resistance is the best way to achieve return while 22% said that resistance should also be accompanied by political negotiations.

Based on the results of the survey 98% of the refugees do not accept the resettlement of Palestinian refugees in the diaspora 63% see that international courts are able to force Israel to abide by the UN resolutions on the right of return and 37% believe they are not.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip launched on 30th March which marks the Palestinian Land Day a protest movement called the Great March of Return that will continue on a daily basis along Gaza borders until 15th May to demand their right of return and pressure Israel to lift the decade-long blockade imposed on the coastal enclave.

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