Sat 14-September-2024

Strike marches in West Bank and 1948 occupied territories

Tuesday 18-May-2021

The leadership of the Palestinian national and Islamic forces called for a comprehensive strike on Tuesday in all the occupied Palestinian homeland and the refugee camps condemning the continuous Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

The strike took place in the West Bank including Jerusalem the 1948 occupied lands the camps in Lebanon and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The strike included all aspects of commercial and educational life including the official and civil forces and institutions trade unions banks and private sector companies as well as public transport.

Several mass rallies were launched during the strike in the provinces of the West Bank and the 1948 occupied territories.

In Ramallah thousands of citizens participated in a march raised Palestinian flags and chanted slogans denouncing the Israeli occupation’s aggression and crimes.

The march roamed the city’s streets and ended at the northern entrance to al-Bireh where clashes erupted with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stationed at the Beit El military checkpoint.

IOF soldiers fired tear gas canisters and a number of Palestinians suffered breathing problems.

In Qalqilya eyewitness reported that IOF suppressed a peaceful march on the road between the villages of Funduq and Hajjah east of Qalqilya.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets stun grenades and tear gas canisters at protesters and sprayed them with wastewater. No arrests or injuries were reported among citizens until now.

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