Fri 20-September-2024

Tawil threatens to go on hunger strike

Saturday 13-March-2021

The Palestinian detained journalist Bushra Jamal Al-Tawil threatened on Saturday to start a hunger strike in rejection of her continuous administrative detention in Israeli occupation jails and not scheduling a date for her release.

Tawil said in a message from the prison “If there is no substantive decision to reduce the four months I will go on hunger strike in the coming days.”

The Israeli occupation renewed on 7/3/2021 the administrative detention without charge or trial of Tawil for 4 months after releasing her father who is a leader in the Hamas Movement.

Tawil was arrested on 09/10/2020 at Tair checkpoint on the Yitzhar road south of Nablus.

Israeli occupation forces released Tawil at the end of last July 2020 after spending 8 months in the occupation prisons.

Tawil was arrested for the first time in 2011 and was sentenced to 16 months. She spent six months because she was released in the Wafa Al-Ahrar prisoner exchange agreement in December 2011. She was re-arrested in July 2014 and was sentenced to ten months in prison which is the remaining period of her previous detention before the prisoner exchange agreement.

The third arrest was in November 2017 and the Israeli authorities ordered her administrative detention for eight months. The last arrest was on December 10 2019.

Tawil’s family suffered a lot from the occupation’s targeting and almost all family members were subjected to successive arrests. Bushra’s parents were arrested several times in the past and her father spent a total of 14 years in the occupation’s prisons. Her mother was also arrested on 08/02/2010 and was released on 01/02/2011.

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