Sat 26-October-2024

The world condemns the Gaza massacre

Tuesday 15-May-2018

Arab and foreign countries regional and international organizations condemned the massacre committed on Monday by Israeli forces against peaceful Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border who were marching against the transfer of the US embassy to occupied Jerusalem and to mark the Nakba anniversary.

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım strongly condemned the Israeli massacre in Gaza.

Yıldırım said in a press conference at Ankara’s Asen Boga airport that the United States is celebrating the transfer of its embassy to Jerusalem while at the same time Israeli soldiers are committing a massacre without hesitation against demonstrations organized by unarmed civilian youths who want to make their plight heard to the world.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Oglu also called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League to take joint steps following the Gaza massacre.

The head of the opposition Republican People’s Party in Turkey Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu strongly condemned the Israeli massacre against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

“I condemn the massacres in Gaza and I condemn the American and Israeli administrations and I express my solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people” Kılıçdaroğlu tweeted.

Arab countries
Egypt declared its unequivocal rejection of the use of force against peaceful marches and considered it as a dangerous escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry Egypt warned of the consequences of the escalation in the occupied territories and the targeting of unarmed civilians by the Israeli occupation forces.

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry strongly condemned targeting “unarmed Palestinian civilians by the Israeli occupation forces.”

The Bahraini Foreign Ministry stressed in a statement its total refusal of Israel’s use of force against peaceful Palestinian marches in reference to the protests in Gaza.

In a statement issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Ahmed Mahjoub warned of ‘serious repercussions’ of the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem condemning the use of ‘violence’ by Israeli authorities against civilians protesting in Gaza.

Qatar also expressed its “condemnation in the strongest terms of the brutal massacre” committed by Israel against Palestinians in Gaza during their “legitimate” protests.

Jordan held Israel “the occupying power” responsible for “the crime committed in the Gaza Strip” and called on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian people.

Arab personalities and parties
In Sudan the leader of the Reform Now movement Osama Tawfiq condemned the Israeli massacre against demonstrators in the Gaza Strip describing it as “shame” and “a great tragedy.”

The Sudanese People’s Congress (SPC) condemned “the violations committed against Palestinians participating in the return marches.”

Abu Bakr Abdul Razek a leader in the congress called in a statement to Anadolu “the free world Arabs and Muslims to pressure their governments to adopt strong positions and to clearly support the Palestinian cause and stop the aggression against Palestinians.”

The leading figure in Iraq Muqtada al-Sadr said the opening of the United States Embassy in Jerusalem is “against all divine religions.”

In Tunisia parties from different trends condemned the Israeli attacks against protesters in Gaza calling on the international community to ‘immediately’ intervene to stop these violations.

The Tunisian parties in separate statements made by their leaders to Anadolu rejected the decision of the US administration to transfer its embassy to Jerusalem.

The parties are: Al-Nahda (Islamist) The Call of Tunisia (Liberal) the Republican Party (Central) the Tunisian Movement for Democracy (Central/Democrat/ Leftist) and the Party for Labor and Freedoms (Central Left Social Democrat).

In Algeria the National Democratic Rally (NDA) led by Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia condemned the escalation and the killing of dozens of Palestinian civilians in Gaza by the Israeli army describing what is happening as “terrorist assassinations.”

In Morocco the Moroccan Parliament during its plenary session condemned the American decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem and “the barbaric Israeli escalation against the return marches on the Gaza fence.”

In Yemen the country’s foreign minister Abdulmalik al-Mikhlafi condemned in a series of tweets “the criminal killing of the unarmed Palestinians by the Israeli occupation.”

Western countries
The Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano expressed his country’s concern due to the fall of Palestinian victims in the Gaza Strip calling in a statement on all parties to “avoid further bloodshed.”

The British government expressed concern about the “violence” against Palestinians who organized peaceful demonstrations on the Gaza Strip fence.

“We are concerned about the news of deaths in Gaza” the British Prime Minister said.

The German Foreign Ministry also called on all parties to work to ensure that the situation in the Gaza Strip does not worsen and to bring about an “urgent calm” in Gaza.

In a statement posted on its Twitter account the German Foreign Ministry said it had received reports of “bloody confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli forces with great panic and anxiety.”

Regional and international organizations
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterich expressed “concern about the high number of deaths on the border of the Gaza Strip.”

“I am particularly concerned about the news coming from Gaza and that a large number of people have been killed” Guterich was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

The Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the United Nations announced that the UN Security Council will hold an emergency session on Tuesday on the killing of dozens of Palestinians by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip on Monday.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid bin Ra’ad al-Hussein called for an immediate end to the killing of Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Hussein said a series of tweets: “The shocking killing of dozens and hundreds of injuries caused by the use of live ammunition by Israel in Gaza must stop now.”

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation said it will adopt economic and political measures against states and actors supporting the transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

Meshaal bin Fahm al-Salami the speaker of the Arab parliament called on the United Nations and the Security Council to “intervene immediately and urgently to stop the bloody massacres committed by the brutal Israeli occupation forces against the defenseless Palestinian people.”

The transfer of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is an implementation of the decision of US President Donald Trump which set the date of transferring the embassy to coincide with the 70th anniversary of establishing the Israeli entity which marks the Nakba of the Palestinian people.

On December 6 2017 Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and decided to transfer his country’s embassy there igniting anger in the Palestinian territories and bringing about Muslim Arab and international condemnation.

The demonstrations on Monday resulted in the killing of 59 Palestinians and the injury of more than 2771 by Israeli snipers according to the latest statistics of the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip.

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