Mon 16-September-2024

Three Palestinians injured in settler attack in W. Bank

Thursday 21-April-2022

Hordes of extremist Jewish settlers assaulted on Thursday Palestinian citizens and trespassed on swaths of agricultural land in Ramallah and Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

According to local sources three citizens suffered injuries when settlers assaulted them in Sinjil town north of Ramallah.

Sinjil mayor Moataz Tawafsha and two other citizens suffered injuries and bruises when settlers savagely attacked them after they tried to prevent a settler from plowing a swath of Palestinian-owned land in the north of the town.

The same settlers had already placed mobile homes on a tract of land belonging to Palestinians from the town and grazed their cattle in the area.

Another group of armed settlers from the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Levona in southern Nablus stormed swaths of agricultural land in Sinjil town and wreaked havoc on cultivated lands and olive trees belonging to local residents.

Other settlers escorted by army soldiers stormed the Qaryut Spring area in southern Nablus.

Earlier a horde of settler blocked the main road between Nablus and Qalqilya and prevented Palestinian citizens from using the road near the junction of Jit town west of Nablus.

In a separate incident Israeli police officers kidnaped a Palestinian child identified as Dujana Ajjoun as he left the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem through al-Majles Gate.

Police officers also assaulted and wounded a Palestinian citizen after intercepting the truck he was driving in Hizma street in the northeast of Jerusalem.

Local sources said that a truck driver suffered a head injury when Israeli border policemen at the Uraiba rotary in Hizma street brutally beat him adding that the policemen stopped and searched several cars and fired shots into the air in the same area.

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