Fri 20-September-2024

Two Palestinians held in complete isolation for long months

Tuesday 16-March-2021

Two Palestinian prisoners have been suffering from harsh incarceration conditions in isolation cells in Israeli jails for long months.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) prisoner Omar Kharwat 49 has been in solitary confinement for over one year while prisoner Wael al-Jaghoub 45 has been isolated for nine months.

Both of them are being held incommunicado in very small isolation cells in Hasharon and Megiddo jails.

“Prisoner Kharwat is facing open-ended solitary confinement without a date or timeline being set for his isolation and during that period he has been isolated in different jails” PPS said.

“As for prisoner Jaghoub an Israeli court recently issued an order extending his isolation until the seventh of next June” PPS added.

However prisoner Kharwat has also been deprived of seeing his family for about four years and prisoner Jaghoub for about two years it noted.

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