Tue 17-September-2024

Two Palestinians injured during IOF raids in W. Bank

Sunday 20-November-2022

One Palestinian young man was injured on Sunday morning when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him in Bethlehem and another one was injured in al-Khalil as he was running from Israeli soldiers.

According to local sources Israeli soldiers opened fire at a young man and injured him in his lower extremities before kidnaping him near the Tunnel checkpoint in western Bethlehem.

In al-Khalil a young man suffered fractures after jumping from a high place as Israeli soldiers were chasing him in Idhna town.

Local sources in Idhna town said that the IOF kidnaped three citizens including a father and his son after breaking into and ransacking their homes.

In east Jerusalem Israeli police forces stormed Ein al-Luza neighborhood in Silwan district and clashed with local youths.

Four Jerusalemite teenagers were kidnaped during police raids in the neighborhoods of Ein al-Luza and Bir Ayyoub in Silwan.

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