Sat 5-October-2024

UK calls for more waivers to accomplish Balfour declaration

Wednesday 1-November-2017

The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson published an article in the Telegraph on Monday that he claimed to have written in the same room Balfour used a century ago to prepare the Balfour letter.

In his letter Johnson defended Balfour declaration and praised the UK’s role in paving the way for the creation of Israel and Balfour’s predecessor’s role in backing the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine describing it as an “incontestable moral goal: to provide a persecuted people with a safe and secure homeland.”

He added “I am proud of Britain’s part in creating Israel;” adding that Balfour declaration was “indispensable to the creation of a great nation.”

At the end of the article Johnson warned that one of the key pillars of Balfour declaration is that the rights of non-Jewish communities shall be protected which he said “has not been fully realized.”

Johnson also said that the idea of two sovereign states for Israelis and Palestinians remains the only viable solution for peace and that London remained committed to a two-state solution.

He added that the borders of the two states should be as they were before the Six Day war in 1967 with Jerusalem as a “shared capital” and “equal land swaps to reflect the national security and religious interest of the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.”

He also said “A century on Britain will give whatever possible support in order to close the ring and complete the unfinished business of the Balfour declaration.”

Johnson stressed the need to ensure the security of Israelis and prevent any terrorist threats against Israel according to his article. He also called for respecting the sovereignty of the Palestinians and guaranteeing their freedom of movement.

The British Foreign Secretary referred to the United Nations resolution 1515 as the only just solution to the Palestinian refugees cause and their right to return to their homeland.

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