Sun 6-October-2024

US Ambassador to UN: Days of Israel bashing are over

Tuesday 28-March-2017

“The days of Israel-bashing are over” US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley vowed on Monday.

Haley’s remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference were interrupted several times by enthusiastic standing ovations from the thousands-strong crowd at the Verizon Center in Washington DC.

“I’m not there to play games and what I wanted to make sure of is that the United States started leading again” Haley said of her UN role.

Referring to the UN’s anti-Israel bias Haley noted “I knew they said it was bad but until you hear it and you see it you just can’t comprehend.”

Haley called the Obama administration’s abstention from the December 2016 UN Security Council vote on the anti-Israeli settlement Resolution 2334 “embarrassing” and “hurtful.”

“Everyone at the United Nations is scared to talk to me about Resolution 2334” she said. “That happened but it will never happen again.”

Addressing the AIPAC conference in Washington DC via a satellite feed from Occupied Jerusalem on Monday Netanyahu stated “Israel has no greater friend than America and America has no greater friend than Israel.”

Netanyahu described his White House meeting with President Donald Trump last month as having been “exceptionally warm.”

“I want to thank the president for his strong support for Israel” Netanyahu said. “I want to thank Vice President [Mike] Pence for his warm words for Israel last night. The administration has shown its commitment to Israel by turning those words into policies.”

Since the swearing-in of US President Donald Trump Israel has stepped up its construction of illegal settlement units on Palestinian land in flagrant violations of international law and of the UN Resolution 2334.

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