Thu 4-July-2024

US Congresswoman calls for an end to Palestinian house demolition

Saturday 22-January-2022

US Congresswoman Mary Newman called on the Israeli authorities in a tweet on Saturday to stop Palestinian house demolition in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem.

Mary Newman declared her total rejection to the Israeli systematic demolition policy.

Fifteen Palestinians became homeless after the Israeli police kicked them off in the middle of the night she wrote.

She pointed out that Israeli forces carried out more than 1000 demolitions since 2016 in the same area.

Earlier this week the Israeli bulldozers reduced the house of Mahmoud Salhiya to rubble and displaced his family after police forces assaulted them and several activists.

Israel’s systematic demolition campaigns in the occupied Palestinian territories are believed to be aimed at psychologically destroying the local residents in an attempt to force them to move from their homes and areas.

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