Thu 4-July-2024

US Congresswoman holds Israel responsible for Abu Hawash’s life

Tuesday 4-January-2022

US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib held the Israeli government responsible for the health and safety of the Palestinian striking prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash.

Hisham Abu Hawash – married father of 5 held without a scrap of evidence trial or even a court hearing (in violation of int’l law) since October 2020. On hunger strike for 140+ days. The gov’t of Israel alone is responsible for this situation and his health and safety Tlaib wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

Doctors said that Abu Hawash may face sudden death or clots at any moment.

Meanwhile head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya held a phone conversation with Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziad Al-Nakhala on Monday evening regarding the developments of prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash’s hunger strike.

Earlier Monday senior officials from both movements gathered for a meeting on the prisoner’s condition.

The Israeli occupation authorities hold 500 Palestinians in administrative detention without charge or trial.

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