Sat 21-September-2024

Violent clashes reported in Abu Dis town

Wednesday 8-June-2022

Violent clashes broke out on Tuesday night in Abu Dis town in Occupied Jerusalem after being stormed by Israeli police forces.

Palestinian youths stoned the police vehicles while storming the town local sources reported.

Abu Dis which has seen a series of land confiscations for Israeli settlements and separation wall has become a scene of almost-daily clashes.

In a separate incident anti-occupation youths stoned settlers’ vehicles in Anata and Hizma towns north of Occupied Jerusalem.

The Israeli authorities have escalated their human rights violations in Occupied Jerusalem as they intensified their attempts to minimize Palestinian presence and change the city’s landmarks by confiscating land and displacing residents.

The Israeli government has openly funded and built Jewish-only settlement neighborhoods to increase Jewish presence there offering incentives and subsidized housing.

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