Wed 3-July-2024

Zahhar: Arab League has deviated from its primary role

Saturday 12-September-2020

Mahmoud Al-Zahhar a member of Hamas political bureau affirmed that the Arab League has deviated from the role for which it was founded and that what it is doing today regarding the Palestinian cause threatens all Arab countries in the future.

Zahhar told Quds Press that all the conferences that took place after and before 1948 (occupation of Palestine) were aimed at preserving the Arab nation and for that it was called the Arab League and Palestine was its main cause.

He added “The role of the Arab League was to preserve Palestine and the rest of the countries that were liberated from colonialism and the League continued to do at least the minimum required which kept the Arab position united with regard to the Palestinian cause.”

Every Arab country is vulnerable to targeting in the future whether from deviant Arab groups as is happening now in the Gulf or from a foreign enemy as is happening with us in Palestine or from America or other countries he added.

He further said “If we want to describe what is happening in the Arab League in political terms then it is a betrayal of the role of the Arab League.”

Zahhar opined that the Palestinian Authority should completely dissolve the agreements signed with the Israeli occupation so that some countries do not justify their normalization by indicating that the Palestinians are bound by agreements with the occupation.

He added “We are in a real state of regression from the role of the Arab League in a complete reversal of its role as Palestine is no longer the owner of the cause.”

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