Sun 6-October-2024

Zahhar: Our hand is outstretched for reconciliation

Friday 15-December-2017

The Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahhar on Friday said that his Movement’s hand is outstretched for any reconciliation that does not contradict its principles.

During his Friday sermon at al-Salam mosque in Gaza city which he delivered in the presence of the head of Hamas’s Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya Zahhar stressed that Gaza has resisted four Israeli wars without falling down.

He renewed his Movement’s refusal to recognize the 1967 borders and affirmed that Hamas’s project is to liberate all Palestinian territories noting that the Israeli occupation will eventually end.

For his part Haneyya said that the significant presence of young people in the opening of al-Salam mosque indicates that mosques would be shining beacons on the path of the liberation of al-Aqsa Mosque Jerusalem and all Palestinian lands.

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