Mon 8-July-2024

Zahhar: Our people will continue to uphold the path of liberation

Monday 2-May-2022

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Mahmoud al-Zahhar has affirmed that the Palestinian people will not be deterred by Israel’s occupation and blockade from upholding the path of liberation and return and will not “drop the Sword of Jerusalem from their hand.”

“The holy month of Ramadan has ended but the heroism of our people and their love for Jerusalem have not ended. Jerusalem will remain the beacon that lights the path of liberation” Zahhar said in the Eid al-Fitr khutba (sermon) he delivered in Gaza City on Monday morning.

“Today we are in al-Saraya Square which is one of the places built by the British occupation but that occupation departed and our people remained” the Hamas official stressed.

“The time of resistance and struggle for the liberation of Palestine has not expired but rather it is flourishing and expanding” he added.

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