Mon 8-July-2024

Zahhar calls for int’l coalition against Israeli-American alliance

Monday 14-September-2020

Mahmoud al-Zahhar head of Change and Reform parliamentary bloc in Palestine and a member of Hamas political bureau has called for the formation of an international bloc against the Israeli-American alliance and its tools in the Middle East region.

Zahhar stressed during a speech at Iran Against Normalization conference through the Zoom program on Sunday that the normalization agreement which was signed by the UAE and Bahrain constitutes a treacherous stab in the back of the Palestinian people adding that they lined up with the Israeli occupation and shared in an overt conspiracy to liquidate the Palestinian cause.

He added “The precise timing in which the Emirati-Zionist agreement emerged confirms the nature of the black scheme whose chapters are being woven to reconstruct and reshape the geographical and political landscape in the region which works to dry up the sources of strength and steadfastness in the nation.”

Zahhar called for the need to unite all components of the Arab and Islamic nation and their peoples to confront the agreement and work to establish a strong and solid Arab Islamic and international front at the official and popular levels so that it would be able to isolate and besiege the rulers of the Emirates and criminalize their shameful deeds.

He explained that one of the most important objectives of the Emirati-Israeli agreement is to strike and target the Palestinian Arab and Islamic resistance forces. To counter such a scheme he called for providing all forms of support to the Palestinian Arab and Islamic resistance forces in this sensitive and dangerous stage.

Zahhar also called for imposing a political and economic boycott cutting off all forms of communication with the rulers of the Emirates and imposing penalties on everyone who deals with them.

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