Thu 19-September-2024

British Academics did the right thing

Friday 1-June-2007

Incensed by the brutal ugliness of Israel’s apartheid policies against Palestinians  members of Britain’s University and College Union (UCU) have voted to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

The vote  passed Wednesday  30 May by 158 in favor as opposed to 99 against called for freezing European funding of Israeli academic institutions for their role and involvement in promoting apartheid and oppressing Palestinians who have been languishing under a sinister military occupation for forty years.

The sheer evilness of this occupation has deteriorated rapidly of late with the construction of a gigantic concrete wall in the West Bank which has effectively reduced Palestinian population centers to de-facto detention camps.

As expected the shipyard dogs of Zionism from California to Tel Aviv including the heads of organized Jewish communities in Britain have been protesting wildly the UCU decision as “unfair” and “hasty.”

So of the more irate Zionists have shamelessly called the decision “unethical” “unconscionable” and “immoral” as if there is anything moral about the Nazi-like treatment meted out to these helpless Palestinians for wanting to be free from the shackles of Zionist racism.

I really don’t understand nor I suppose do millions of honest peoples around the world how these Zionist leaders could allow themselves to invoke “morality” and “fairness” whenever Israel’s shameful policies and practices are criticized.

In fact in light of what the “Jewish” state has been doing to the Palestinians (and other peoples in the Middle East) one would get the impression that these Zionists are really mentally and psychologically ill.

Their hypocrisy mendacity and moral duplicity cry out to the seventh heaven.

This totally wanton attitude on the part of Zionist apologists goes well beyond the pale of common sense and acceptable logic.

The truth of the matter is that supporters of apartheid in Israel have no more right to lecture British academics on the morality of boycotting the “Jewish” state than does a famous whore in lecturing critics on the virtues of chastity or an irredeemable thief preaching honesty.

I say this because no other state under the sun embodies brutal racism and apartheid and murder and oppression against a constantly hounded and tormented people more than Israel does.

Today Israel looks very much like Germany prior the Second World War when Jews and non-Jews alike were experiencing the poisoned macabre atmosphere of virulent racism fostered and promoted by the Third Reich.

This week the Shin Bet Israel’s chief domestic intelligence agency made it very clear that even legal and fully lawful activities questioning Israel’s apartheid policies and institutionalized racism (e.g. that Israel is a Jewish state not a state of all its citizens) would be strongly suppressed.

In other words non-Jewish citizens in Israel (let alone in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem) have no right even to use whatever legal loopholes there are to demand equality as citizens.

Needless to say this is fascism pure brash and simple.

Moreover like Adolph Hitler exploited to the fullest the Reichstag fire on 27 April 1933 to liquidate his critics by generating national hysteria throughout Germany Israel has been doing virtually the same thing against the Palestinians by equating every Palestinian demand for freedom justice and peace with “suicide bombing” as if Palestinians were supposed to die quietly and without a pang at the Jewish slaughterhouse.

Today Israel’s Nazi like policies are uglier and more criminal than ever. Israeli war planes such as the formidable F-16s which are designed to be used against powerful armies are having a free season in Gaza preying on civilian homes clubs businesses public buildings power stations bridges colleges charities streets and even kindergartens.

Entire Palestinian families including children and mothers and old men are annihilated under the pretext that a family member took part in an election the outcome of which Israel didn’t like.

Moreover Israel along with her nefarious guardian-ally the US government is pursuing a brazenly evil policy of starving millions of innocent people by denying them access to food and work.

And at the top of all of this the Israeli army has been arresting thousands of political and community leaders throughout the West Bank including Palestinian cabinet officials lawmakers mayors doctors teachers college professors business leaders students intellectuals journalists religious leaders who make up the crème de la crème of the Palestinian society.

This Gestapo-like madness is obviously aimed at throwing the Palestinian community off-balance and depriving the Palestinian people of competent leaders who would stand in the face of Israel’s efforts to liquidate the enduring Palestinian cause.

What else explains the violent abduction of people like Nasseruddin al Shaer (a particularly moderate academic who advocates peaceful coexistence between Jews and Arabs)? Or indeed the rounding up without charge or trial of nearly all Islamic lawmakers including Parliament Speaker Professor Aziz Deweik?

Whether the Zionists like it or not the UCU decision to boycott Israel’s academia is a moral act of the highest order.

In the preceding years of the Second World War the world committed a fatal mistake when it gave Nazi Germany the benefit of the doubt on the ground that maybe just maybe Hitler and cohorts might revert to their senses.

Now the world can’t and shouldn’t allow itself to make the same fateful blunder again.

If Israel is not stopped now there is no doubt that it will follow the same the very same footsteps of the Nazis.

The writing is on the wall even literally as in Hebron.

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