Mon 8-July-2024

Is Michael Oren a racist Jewish supremacist?

Tuesday 13-February-2018

The Israeli press reported recently that Knesset member Michael Oren had conducted a “secret parliamentary investigation” into the Tamimi family suspecting that their “blond hair freckles and Western clothes” proved that they were not “real”’ Palestinians but part of the “Pallywood’ industry”.

Dr. Oren is a former ambassador to the US. He should have sufficient intellectual ability to behave differently. This is because the oddity of his feat and subsequent crass remarks invite not only derision and ridicule but create a lasting impression that the man is a real ignoramus.

The fact that he holds a Ph.D. was ambassador in Washington and had audience with the likes of Daniel Pipes and other Israel Firsters on the American arena seems to make no difference.

What else would one conclude after examining Oren’s childish ranting that “because their appearance-including “blond-haired freckled” children in “Western clothes”-made them seem less like “real” Palestinians?

Predictably the brazenly racist comments by Oren a deputy minister drew accusations of racism from the Tamimi family-the latest twist in a case that has turned into a public relations disaster for the apartheid Jewish state.

Bassem Tamimi Ahd’s father called Oren’s remarks “silly ignorant and scandalously racist”

Ahd Tamimi 15 was arrested on December 19 for “physically resisting” two Israeli occupation soldiers outside her West Bank home a few days earlier. She faces charges that carry up to 14 years in prison.

Oren claimed that the Tamimi family had a long history of leading protests against the brutal practices of the Israeli occupation army.

What is wrong with that? Resisting oppression is more than just a basic human right; it is an honorable national duty as well. In America where Oren served as ambassador for several years they still teach their school kids Patrick Henry’s famous slogan “give me freedom or give me death”! Does Oren think that Palestinians are children of a lesser God that they don’t deserve freedom and human rights?

Oren said his investigation looked into whether the protests were genuine or whether the family members were provocateurs paid to send children to clash with soldiers.

“The Tamimi family and those claiming to be part of the Tamimi family have been provoking Israeli soldiers for many many years now” he said. “The children were chosen on the basis of their appearance to look Western freckled and blond-haired.”

Well I don’t want to dignify Oren’s repugnant drivels by commenting on them. However I believe that Oren and like-minded Zionist supremacists should understand that a foreign military occupation is a real act of rape and that all people regardless of the color of their hair or skin have the right to resist evil.

Hence it would be a sign of mental illness or moral dishonesty or both to claim that it is these innocent and innocuous kids resisting rather symbolically the hateful Israeli occupation that provoked the occupation soldiers not the other way around.

The kids would have been “provocateurs” had they stormed the Israeli army’s barracks in Israel proper but not when they chose to put up a symbolic resistance to heavily armed crack-soldiers storming savaging and raping their neighborhoods schools and homes.

In fact Oren’s twisted logic prompts us to borrow analogy from the Nazi era. We all know that many European Jews resisted the Nazis and were martyred by them just as Palestinians have been and are resisting Zionist occupiers and are martyred by them nearly on a daily basis.

Now a question for Oren: How would you respond to a propaganda liar like you if he or she claimed that the Nazis had to send the Jews to Treblinka and Dachau because the Jews were paid to provoke the SS and Gestapo!?

Mr. Oren. I know that no matter how hard you try to obfuscate the ugly reality of your decades-old occupation of my country you won’t succeed.

The brutal ugliness of your hateful diabolic and satanic occupation transcends reality. It can only be matched by the brutal ugliness of your racist mindset and immorality.

What you lack is more than intellectual honesty and rectitude you lack basic human decency.

– Khalid Amayreh is a veteran Palestinian journalist living in Dura

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