Sun 6-October-2024

Israel must understand the following

Thursday 15-October-2015

Israel’s seemingly hysterical reactions to ongoing Palestinian protests against efforts by Messianic Jewish fanatics to gain a foothold at the Aqsa Mosque one of Islam’s holiest sites caricatures a state and society overwhelmed by collective psychosis and mental disorientation.

Features of this collective mental disorder includes feelings of megalomania and supremacy utter contempt for laws and norms regulating relations among individuals and societies as well as an utter disregard for the lives and rights of the “other” in this case the Palestinians.

In projecting this all-encompassing morbidity Israelis including government officials media operatives as well as ordinary people constantly feel the urge to lie even maliciously in order to maintain the mental sanity of their society and reassert the staunchly-guarded myths and legends they were taught and became part of their lives since early childhood.

Thus it was the Arabs who invaded Israel not the Zionist gangs which came to Palestine from the far reaches of Europe to arrogate a land that didn’t belong to them.

And it was the Arabs who first attacked Jews not the Jewish gangs that murdered Palestinian civilians en masse stole their land destroyed their homes and bulldozed their fields before dispersing to the four winds.

Interestingly the Zionists after all of this have the audacity to call their victims terrorists.

Now the Israeli machine of mendacity is working around the clock manufacturing lies and repeating stale lies forgetting that this is the age of the internet twitter and facebook.

Indeed anyone affronted with listening to Netanyahu and his numerous mouthpieces would get the impression that it is the Palestinians who have desecrated Jewish holy places and that it is the Palestinians who are burning Jewish families alive carrying out field executions of Jewish youngsters setting Jewish olive groves on fire and terrorizing unprotected Jewish civilians all over the West Bank not the other way around.

I don’t know if the liars of Zion believe their own lies or not. I don’t even care if they do or don’t. Lying after all has always been a built-in Zionist character since time immemorial.

None the less the Zionists must understand the following facts:

First we Palestinians will cling to our ancestral homeland till death. We have no other homeland. We have no other country. We have nowhere else to go. So will stay here for ever and ever and ever no matter how many of our children will be killed by trigger-happy Israeli soldiers.

Second we will not accept a life of dogs or slaves or second-class citizens.

In the final analysis we are not children of a lesser God. This means that what Jews wouldn’t accept for themselves we won’t accept for ourselves and our children.

Third we don’t seek to kill Jews or throw them into the sea. We obviously cannot do that even if we wanted.

However we will not allow Jews to throw us into the desert as Jewish circles keep dreaming. Hence we are here to stay. Period.

Four the Aqsa Mosque is the ultimate red line for the vast majority of Palestinians. It is a matter of life or death for us.

Indeed when it comes to the Haram Ash-sharif of Jerusalem a no-hold-barred conflagration with Israel becomes inevitable.

Indeed when the matter has to do with the Aqsa Mosque Israel can’t and shouldn’t count on the likes of Mahmoud Abbas Abdul Fattah al-Sissi or the Arab league to restore quiet because the issue transcends and overrides all these parties.

Hence Israel must understand that unless all attempts by government-backed Messianic Jewish fanatics to gain a foothold at the Aqsa Mosque are terminated the present wave of unrest will continue unabated no matter how many emergency sessions the Israeli cabinet holds how many draconian laws are passed and punitive measures are decided against our people.

Finally we have always hoped and we continue to hope that some level-minded Israeli leaders would step in and reverse this march of the folly led by Netanyahu Yaalon and Bennette which will if not stopped in time take both our peoples to the squares of bloodshed and endless confrontation.

Unfortunately what we discovered is a society and government intoxicated with the arrogance of power. So please don’t transform each and every Palestinian into a walking time bomb.

We certainly don’t want to die or see our children getting killed or maimed in the streets of this tortured land.

But for us there are certain things that are more paramount than life itself.

Needless to say al-Masjidul Aqsa is one of them.

Khalid Amayreh is a Palestinian current affairs commentator living in Dura near Hebron.

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