Sun 6-October-2024

The Loquacious fool at the White House

Saturday 13-January-2018

“The heart of the fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. The tongue of the wise makes knowledge appealing but the mouth of a fool belches out foolishness. ….”

On Thursday President Trump questioned why the US would want to have immigrants from Haiti and African nations suggesting instead more immigrants should come from Norway whose prime minister he had met on a day earlier.

Trump reportedly said: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” The White House did not deny the account instead highlighting Trump’s hardline immigration stance.

Well who would say it better? The mouth of a fool belches out foolishness.” This is exactly describing Donald Trump.

I surely don’t know if King Solomon had Donald Trump in mind when he uttered these words of infinite wisdom. But I am completely sure that each of these golden words of wisdom applies rather squarely to the idiot of Washington or probably more correctly the fool of the White House the very man who has brought indignity dishonor and disrepute to the office he holds.

Sometimes the dignity of the office gives honor to a mediocre officer enabling him or her to give some of the best they could offer. History is rife with examples to that effect.

Sometimes it is the officer that gives the office the dignity and honor by way of displaying lofty characters like love grace and wisdom.

In Trump’s case however it is obvious that the officer is bringing dishonor and disgrace to the office. It is not only that he is less much less than mediocre. His insidiousness leaves no possibility for rehabilitation. How could you rehabilitate a fool who insists he is a genius?

Trump has repeatedly proved himself to be a loquacious abusive idiot who is also thoroughly odious mean-spirited and arrogant. The scatological language he used in reference to black people is not only an insult to the office (the President of the United States of America) but also to the entire American people especially those who elected him to lead their country.

The use of this contemptible language to put down hundreds of millions of people spells racism hatred incivility and intolerance. After all these people like all of us never chose to be who they are nor did they choose the countries where they were born. You claim you are a genius! How come you can’t comprehend this most axiomatic fact of life in this world?

The Nazis did agree with you in case you don’t know. They called the people you now call “shithole” untermenschen the inferior masses of the east! You see you and the Nazis have much in common. Halleluiah!

And perhaps you would try to bring Benyamin Netanyahu Nafali Bennett and Avigdor Lieberman along with you. They too would fit in perfectly.

Indeed just as you want to keep “Shithole” people out of the US Netanyahu Bennett and Lieberman presumably your ultimate role models want to expel sorry transfer millions of Palestinians from PalestineIsrael because they are not Kosher! Because they are not bona fide members the holy tribe! Because they are goyem! Because they are children of a lesser God.

You see it’s the same racism same sickness and same madness. You call Africans shithole people just as Netanyahu et al want to expel Palestinians from their ancestral homeland or force them to accept apartheid so that he could realize his sick mantra a pure Jewish state….just as Hitler wanted to realize his mantra a pure Aryan state “undefiled” by Jews non-Aryans and other inferiors! You see! It is the same thinking same ideology same words same arguments and same goals!

Mr. Trump: You are a real malignant cancer upon the conscience of your people just as Netanyahu and ilk are a real cancer upon the conscience of Judaism and its true adherents who value humanity justice and peace.

So are you too trying to realize your mantra? I am afraid; actually I am sure you will fail.

– Khalid Amayreh is a veteran journalist and writer living in the West Bank under the Israeli occupation

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