Wed 25-September-2024

Israel as it redefines the world

Wednesday 25-September-2024

In the heart of the Middle East lies Israel, a state that has redefined global discourse on sovereignty, human rights and international law. For Palestinians, the story of Israel is one of displacement, violence and ongoing struggle against what many describe as systemic oppression. As Israel asserts itself on the world stage, its actions and policies raise critical questions about justice, accountability and the moral responsibilities of the international community. This position raises many questions on the consequences for Palestinians and the broader implications for global governance and human rights.

Israel’s foundation is steeped in religious narratives that have historical significance for the Jewish people. Established in 1948, Israel’s claims to the land are deeply rooted in biblical texts, which serve as a cornerstone of its national identity. However, this religious justification comes at a profound cost to the Palestinian people who have inhabited the region for centuries. The intertwining of religious and national identity has led to a disregard for Palestinian rights and heritage. This dynamic not only fuels conflict but also presents a challenge for global definition of sovereignty and self-determination.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East known to possess nuclear weapons, with estimates of 80 to 400 warheads. This nuclear capability, shrouded in secrecy, poses significant risks to regional stability. The existence of such weapons has prompted neighboring countries, particularly Iran, to pursue their own nuclear ambitions, intensifying an arms race that jeopardizes peace and security.

The international community’s failure to address Israel’s nuclear arsenal underscores a troubling double standard in global governance, where accountability is selectively applied. This lack of oversight not only endangers the region but also sends a message that some states are above the rules that govern global peace.

Israel’s actions often reflect a blatant disregard for international law, particularly in its continued settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank. The International Criminal Court (ICC) and various UN bodies have condemned these settlements as illegal, yet Israel continues to build more settlements in occupied territories. The implications of this policy are dire, contributing to the displacement of Palestinians and the erosion of their rights.

The US and former colonialist countries have historically shielded Israel from international accountability, vetoing numerous UN Security Council resolutions aimed at addressing violations of international law. This impunity emboldens further acts of aggression and perpetuates a cycle of violence that has devastating consequences for Palestinian civilians.

Israel’s influence extends to international forums, where many argue that it has transformed discussions into spectacles devoid of meaningful action. The UN has repeatedly passed resolutions condemning Israeli policies; however, these resolutions often fall on deaf ears. For instance, the 2016 UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which called for an end to settlement building, was met with dismissal by the Israeli leadership, highlighting the disconnect between international mandates and Israeli actions.

This trend undermines the credibility of global institutions and diminishes the prospects for a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Instead of fostering accountability, these forums risk becoming platforms for the perpetuation of injustices.

The impact of Israel’s military operations on civilians is a tragic reality. Israel has killed more than 15,000 Palestinian children since the onset of the war on Gaza, alongside countless mothers and families. The use of advanced munitions, including laser-guided missiles deployed during conflicts, has led to significant civilian casualties, raising ethical concerns about the conduct of war.

The 2014 Gaza War serves as a stark example, with the UN estimating over 2,200 Palestinian deaths, the majority being non-combatants. These statistics highlight not only the human cost of conflict but also the urgent need for accountability and protection for civilians in war zones.

Israel’s actions have also extended to targeting diplomatic missions, as it did in the case of the Iranian consulate in Damascus on 1 April, where it killed 16 people. However, it was Iran that chose to narrow the confrontation by initiating a calculated retaliation which was supposed to work as a deterrence and avoid triggering a direct war with Israel.

The occupation state assassinated Ismail Haniyeh, a former Palestinian prime minister, while he was on an official visit to Tehran, violating Iranian sovereignty and directing a severe blow to the dignity of the Iranian people. Ironically, Haniyeh was the main negotiator for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal when Israel killed him.

Using electronic devices to kill
The integration of technology in military operations raises profound ethical questions. Israel’s use of drones and electronic warfare has resulted in thousands of civilian deaths, often without accountability. Reports indicate that advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, are being employed in ways that disregard the sanctity of human life, raising alarms about a future where violence becomes even more indiscriminate.

This unchecked use of artificial intelligence and misuse of modern technology are setting a precedent in warfare, as they intensify killing and show disregard for human life in a manner never seen before. If other nations follow the Israeli example in conflicts this could lead to the extinction of a people.

All those who allow Israel to escape the consequences of its criminal acts are equally responsible for Tel Aviv’s crimes, let alone those who choose to fund, arm and protect it. Those who sit idly by as Palestinians continue to be massacred risk seeing the end of the human race at the hands of like-minded criminals who are willing to use AI and latest technologies without fear of accountability. Today, it is in Palestine and the Middle East. Tomorrow it will be everywhere.

-Dr Mohammad Makram Balawi is the Director General of League of Parliamentarians for alQuds (LP4Q). His article appeared in MEMO.

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