Mon 1-July-2024

Thank you Bella Hadid for your unwavering commitment

Sunday 3-September-2023

Last week a post criticizing Israel’s far-right national security minister was shared by Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid on Instagram an account with 60 million followers.

The 26-year-old supermodel reprimanded Itamar Ben-Gvir for his televised remarks which included his assertion that his rights held more significance than those of Palestinians residing in the occupied West Bank.

She wrote on her Instagram story: &ldquoIn no place no time especially in 2023 should one life be more valuable than another’s. Especially simply because of their ethnicity culture or pure hatred.&rdquo

Predictably Ben-Gvir immediately took to X formally Twitter to slam Hadid as an &ldquoIsrael hater.&rdquo He also reiterated the contentious statements he previously made during an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 in which he stated: &ldquoMy right the right of my wife and my children to move around Judea and Samaria is more important than freedom of movement for the Arabs.&rdquo

&ldquoThat’s the reality. That’s the truth. My right to life comes before their right to movement&rdquo he added.

Along with her statement expressing outrage at the controversial remarks Bella also posted a video by the Israeli civil rights group B&rsquoTselem showing Israeli soldiers in the illegally occupied and segregated West Bank city of Hebron saying Palestinians are barred from a street reserved for Jews.

&ldquoDoes this remind anyone of anything?&rdquo she asked.

Despite her unwavering backing for the Palestinian cause having led to the loss of career prospects and even relationships Hadid remains steadfast in her vocal advocacy.

Even at the risk of being accused of anti-Semitism &ndash often used by pro-Israel lobbyists to harass and intimidate activists and academics especially those excelling in their fields or who hold influential roles &ndash the supermodel continues to repeatedly take a stand against the brutality suffered by Palestinians.

Following former US president Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017 Bella still wearing her gown from a fashion event earlier in the evening marched alongside the protests in London proclaiming &ldquoFree Palestine&rdquo and &ldquoEnd Israeli Occupation.&rdquo

She also took to Instagram to denounce the controversial move in a lengthy post alongside a skyline photo of Jerusalem’s Old City as she told her millions of followers that the announcement marked a &ldquovery very sad day&rdquo in history. She added that seeing the &ldquopain of the Palestinian people&rdquo following the president’s decision makes her &ldquocry for the many many generations of Palestine.&rdquo

Expressing further solidarity with the Palestinians she wrote: &ldquoSeeing the sadness of my father cousins and Palestinian family that are feeling for our Palestinian ancestors makes this even harder to write. Jerusalem is home of all religions. For this to happen I feel makes us take 5 steps back making it harder to live in a world of peace.&rdquo

The treatment of the Palestinian people is unfair one-sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine.

Her father the renowned real estate developer Mohamed Hadid and his family were forced to leave Palestine in 1948 during the Nakba or &ldquothe Catastrophe&rdquo when Zionist militias expelled more than 700000 Palestinians from historic Palestine and destroyed some 500 villages to make way for the creation of Israel.

At the age of 18 months he and his family fled to Syria losing his family home in Safad to a Jewish family. They later immigrated to the United States when he was 14 years old. Mohamed Hadid is also outspoken about embracing his Palestinian heritage as well as instilling a sense of Palestinian identity in his children.

In 2021 during Israel’s war on Gaza Bella joined pro-Palestine protesters at a demonstration in New York City wearing a keffiyeh and waving a Palestinian flag calling for the occupation state to cease its intense bombing during which 253 Palestinians including 66 children were killed. More than 1900 people were wounded.

She also posted a message of support for Palestinians on her Instagram account stating: &ldquoFuture generations will look back in disbelief and wonder how we allowed the Palestinian suffering to continue for so long. A human tragedy unfolding right in front of our eyes. Politicians stutter neutral words in fear of being reprimanded whilst the world remains silent to avoid offending the wrong people. History has taught us to speak up. You are on the right side or you are not. It’s that simple.&rdquo

May 2021 was Israel’s fourth major military aggression on the besieged Strip since the occupation state imposed a full blockade in 2007 creating a humanitarian disaster.

At the time Bella used her Instagram platform to denounce &ldquoIsraeli colonization&rdquo and express concern about &ldquomilitary occupation and apartheid.&rdquo She was careful to emphasize that her stance was not rooted in religious bias or promoting hatred writing &ldquoI stand in solidarity with my Palestinian brothers and sisters.&rdquo

Bella’s genuine commitment and fearless determination sets her apart as her demonstration of solidarity wasn&rsquot confined to online spaces she took her support to the streets standing side by side with fellow human rights advocates. In an era and industry dominated by celebrities focused on fame and reputation her proactive solidarity as a celebrity stands out as a truly refreshing and emotionally stirring gesture.

Critiquing Israel’s discriminatory policies and its unlawful occupation poses significant challenges due to the anticipated backlash often involving accusations of anti-Semitism. By conflating anti-Jewish remarks with anti-Israel sentiments the Israeli government created a paradox in which Israel’s actions are beyond critique. Consequently many celebrities often refrain from making comments and maintain their support in a straightforward manner even in the face of the ongoing loss of Palestinian lives due to Israel’s harsh actions.

Nevertheless Bella underscores the significance of courage and outspokenness emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of Palestinian history.

However taking such a bold stance has come at a personal cost for her.

Her advocacy has resulted in a full-page critical ad in the New York Times and a direct mention on Twitter from the official Israel Twitter account both of which she discussed in a recent interview regarding her activism.

More recently an Israeli media site rejoiced at the news that Bella is undergoing treatment for Lyme disease. With Israel’s Walla news site posting a message warning the supermodel to &ldquothink&rdquo before &ldquotrashing Israel&rdquo after the supermodel posted a heartfelt update on her health.

Kudos to Bella Hadid for her unwavering commitment her Instagram posts shedding light on the Israeli occupation army’s violent incursions and standing firm. Demonstrating solidarity with the people of Palestine should not be seen as an ephemeral cause or a trend to be supported only during Israel’s major offensives when it briefly captures internet attention. The ongoing suffering of the Palestinians should be continually recognized and spotlighted until as Bella advocates &ldquoIt’s free Palestine till Palestine is free!!!&rdquo

– Anjuman Rahman is an experienced journalist with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and humanitarian industry. Strong media and communication professional graduated from University of the Arts London. Her article appeared in MEMO.

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