Mon 7-October-2024

Search Results for: jenin

Hamas: The national reconciliation is practices not a signature on paper

Hamas said it did not see any serious tone in Mahmoud Abbas’s speech affirming that the national reconciliation is not slogans or a signature on paper but it is procedures and practices.

Occupation police quell Palestinians in OJ break the hand of worker

Israeli occupation policemen clashed with Palestinian demonstrators in Silwan suburb in occupied Jerusalem late Wednesday night.

IOF report praises Ramallah authority for quelling resistance

A periodical report by the command of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) heaped praise on the PA in Ramallah for aborting many resistance attacks against those forces.

IOF troops round up 24 Palestinians including Hamas activist

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) rounded up 24 Palestinian citizens during various raids on West Bank areas at dawn Thursday the Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot reported.

Sources deny news about finding weapons belonging to Hamas in Salfit

A Palestinian informed source denied the allegation made by an official in the preventive security about finding a cache of weapons belonging to Hamas in the village of Marda in Salfit district.

Three Palestinians wounded by Israeli gunfire in Beit Ommar town

Three Palestinians were wounded by Israeli gunfire Tuesday during an attack carried out by Israeli troops and armed settlers on a march organized in Beit Ommar town north of Al-Khalil.

Relatives of prisoners appeal for end to strip search

Relatives of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails have appealed to the human rights groups and the Red Cross to pressure the IOA into halting strip searches.

IOA refuses to allow a medical team to examine Abul Haija

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has refused to allow a team of doctors to check on the condition of Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija who is serving 9 life sentences plus 80 years in IOA jails.

Activist: The PA started to curb the peaceful resistance against the wall

Coordinator of the popular campaign against the wall Jamal Jum’ah said that the PA is trying to customize the peaceful resistance against the segregation wall according to its own vision.

Israel: The killing of four Palestinians in March in Nablus was avoidable

Israel said that the incident of killing four Palestinians last month in the village of Irak Burin and Awarta south of Nablus resulted from avoidable mistakes committed by its troops.

Palestinian old man dies at IOF roadblock

A Palestinian old man died at a roadblock for the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in the Jordan Valley afternoon Saturday Palestinian medical sources reported.

Abu Marzouk: Ramallah authority blocked a third intifada

The PA in Ramallah has blocked the outbreak of a third intifada in the West Bank using various non-nationalistic means to say the least Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk said.