Sun 6-October-2024

Search Results for: jenin

IOA renews administrative detention of Jihad activist for the 10th time

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has renewed the administrative detention without trial or charge of an Islamic Jihad activist for the 10th time running his family reported.

Barak: Israel’s security improving thanks to Abbas’s forces

Israeli war minister Ehud Barak has said that Israel's security had greatly improved over the past year thanks to the efforts of Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas's security forces in the West Bank.

Armed Israeli settlers wound Palestinian young man in his chest in Nablus

A Palestinian young man was badly wounded Tuesday morning when he was shot in the chest by a group of armed Israeli settlers in a Palestinian grazing area near Yizhar settlement.

IOF soldiers kidnap 3 Gazans 12 West Bankers including 2 young women

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped three Palestinians in the Gaza Strip at dawn Monday following a brief incursion east of Breij refugee camp in central Gaza locals reported.

PA militias kidnap 13 Hamas members in West Bank

The Palestinian Authority’s militias reportedly kidnapped 13 Palestinian citizens affiliated with Hamas in Nablus Salfit and Tulkarem including one teacher and eight ex-detainees in Israeli jails.

IPA holds Hamas leader in isolation 47 sick detainees in Ohalei Kedar

The IPA is holding Hamas leader Sheikh Jamal Abul Haija in an isolation cell in Rimon prison in a new penal measure against him following months of isolation in Galbo'a prison.

Israeli settlers uproot 150 olive trees from Palestinian lands

Palestinian farmers from the village of Magir in Ramallah have charged that extremist Israeli settlers uprooted 150 olive trees during the last few days.

Abbas’s Militia kidnap six Hamas supporters

The militia affiliated with Mahmoud Abbas has continued its campaign against Hamas supporters kidnapping six supporters in the districts of Ramallah Tulkarem and al-Khalil.

Israeli settlers burn Palestinian agriculture lands IOF arrest 5 Palestinians

Israeli settlers near Beit Ummar village in Al-Khalil district on Wednesday started fire in lands cultivated with fruitful trees owned by Palestinian citizens locals reported.

Nine Islamic MPs released after prolonged captivity in Zionist Jails

The Israeli apartheid regime on Wednesday freed nine Islamic-oriented members of the Legislative Council who have suffered a long captivity in Israeli jails and detention camps.

Resheq: The kidnapping of Mazloum intended for frustrating the national dialog

Ezzat Al-Resheq a member of Hamas political bureau stated that the kidnapping of Khaled Mazloum the coordinator of Hamas lawmakers’ office in Ramallah is aimed to thwart national dialog.

Hamas: The PA and Israel killed in August seven Palestinians

Hamas said that Israel killed during August five Palestinians while two Palestinian citizens died in the Palestinian authority’s jails as a result of their exposure to torture.