Sun 6-October-2024

Search Results for: jenin

Abbas’s security forces to be deployed in Bethlehem with Israeli approval

PA security elements in the West Bank will be deployed in Bethlehem before Christmas with the full coordination and approval of the Israeli occupation authority press reports said.

IOF troops round up more Palestinians

Israeli occupation forces at dawn Monday rounded up four Palestinian young men including two brothers in Burkin village west of Jenin city local sources reported.

Abu Marzouk: Abbas’s security works hard to crush all voices against Israel

Dr. Moussa Abu Marzouk stated that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's security apparatuses devoted themselves to eliminate all voices against Israeli occupation Dayton and the roadmap plan.

IOA allows limited fuel supplies into Gaza

The Israeli occupation authority on Tuesday allowed limited shipments of fuel into the Gaza Strip to operate the power station which came to a complete halt last night due to lack of fuel.

Israeli policeman sentenced to one year for killing Palestinian in cold blood

The Israeli Central Court in Tel Aviv decided on Sunday that the Israeli border guard police officer Tomer Avraha who killed a Palestinian worker should only be imprisoned for one year.

IOA closes Gaza crossings for sixth day running

The Israeli occupation authority continued to close all Gaza commercial crossings on Sunday for the sixth day running at the pretext of Palestinian violation of the calm agreement.

Israeli officer who shot a handcuffed young man in Bil’in acquitted

Press sources in the 1948 occupied lands reported that the Israeli military prosecutor decided not to impose a harsh penalty on the officer who deliberately shot a handcuffed young man in Bil'in.

Detained PLC speaker taken to hospital for urgent surgery

Dr. Aziz Dwaik the PLC speaker was carried to the Ramle prison hospital to undergo an urgent surgery to remove stones from his kidney reliable sources reported.

Hamas: PA arrests of resistance fighters bolden Israel to kill more Palestinians

Hamas said that the arrest campaigns waged by the PA security apparatuses against the Palestinian resistance fighters in the West Bank encouraged the IOF troops to kill more Palestinians.

IOF unit guns down 70-year-old Palestinian

Israeli occupation forces before dawn Wednesday killed a 70-year-old Palestinian during an incursion in Yamon village west of Jenin district local sources said.

Israeli settlers burn Palestinian olive lands in Nablus

Israeli settlers carried out Friday an arson attack on Palestinian olive groves in the Burqa village north of Nablus and hurled stones at civilian cars traveling along the village.

Jewish settlers attack Palestinian farmers in Arraba other West Bank villages

Extremist Jewish settlers attacked on Sunday Palestinian olive farmers in the village of Arraba to the south of Jenin which is also close to the settlement of Dotan.