Mon 8-July-2024

Search Results for: jenin

IOF units kidnap Palestinian woman among others during WB incursions

IOF soldiers on Sunday ransacked the home of a 36-year-old Palestinian woman in Al-Khalil city before taking her away with them local witnesses reported.

Hebrew sources: Two IOF soldiers wounded in raid on Nablus city

Hebrew sources have affirmed that two Israeli soldiers were wounded when a homemade bomb planted by the Palestinian fighters in Nablus city went off beside their jeep.

IOF troops kidnap three Gazans near airport

At least three Palestinian citizens were kidnapped at the hands of the IOF troops near Gaza international airport in Rafah district late Friday night Palestinian security sources reported.

Legal group: Hamas leaders in Israeli solitary cells live in miserable condition

The Mandela legal group has reported that at least two jailed Hamas senior leaders are living in harsh conditions inside solitary cells in Israeli jails.

IOF troops use Palestinian citizens as human shields in West Bank incursions

At least four Palestinian citizens were kidnapped at dawn Thursday at the hands of the IOF troops during a large-scale incursion they unleashed in Nablus city and the nearby Balata refugee camp.

Two Palestinians including minor killed in IOF shooting

A 16-year-old Palestinian minor was killed at the hands of IOF troops in Jenin city at dawn Thursday during an incursion targeting the arrest of an AMB activist who was not in his home.

IOF troops sweep Qalqilia target Hamas cadres

Large numbers of IOF troops backed by at least 30 military vehicles on Wednesday stormed the West Bank city of Qalqilia in a large-scale sweeping operation targeting Palestinian activists.

IOF troops murder Palestinian resistance fighter

IOF soldiers invading the Jenin refugee camp at dawn Wednesday shot and killed a Palestinian resistance fighter who was defending the camp local sources reported.

Israeli settlers prepare to build new settlement on Palestinian lands

Fanatic Israeli settlers are preparing to storm Jenin city to build new settlement on ruins of Homesh settlement which the IOA demolished 18 months local Palestinian sources affirmed.

Palestinian resistance blocks IOF incursion in Nablus more Palestinians kidnapp

Fighters of the Palestinian resistance succeeded in blocking IOF troops’ advance into Nablus at dawn Tuesday and forced them to retreat after intensively trading bullets with the invaders.

IOF soldier injured during incursion

Palestinian resistance fighters at dawn Monday blasted an explosive device in an IOF unit that was invading the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus city wounding one of the soldiers IOF sources said.

Hebrew sources: USA and Israel conduct joint maneuvers

The Hebrew radio has reported Sunday that US-army and the IOF troops were carrying out military exercises with the aim to defend the Hebrew state.