Fri 5-July-2024

Al-Aqsa Flood was not the start of the conflict

Thursday 12-October-2023

Al-Qassam Brigades chief named the ongoing operation the al-Aqsa Flood Battle due to its significant references declaring the end of all the Israeli crimes.

&ldquoThe occupation state has committed hundreds of massacres against civilians and today the anger of al-Aqsa and the anger of our nation and brave fighters have burst out. This is your day to make the enemy understand that its time has ended&rdquo Mohamed Deif declared.

These words clearly define the main strategy and objectives of the al-Aqsa Flood Battle.

Why was al-Aqsa Flood started?

Let us begin in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Occupied Jerusalem where an Israeli settler named Yaqoub who is from the United States takes possession of a Palestinian home owned by the Kurd family claiming that “If I do not steal your house another person will come and steal it.”

Jewish settlers from all over the world continue to move into the occupied territories at the expense of the native population. Many Israeli ministers including Bezalel Smotrich publicly supported this settlement theory and called for the expulsion of the Palestinian people.

The Israeli occupation committed unprecedented assaults and crimes against the Palestinian people over the past year and still does including daily arrests raids executions confiscation of land and house demolition.

Jewish settlers also escalated their attacks on Palestinians and their properties under military protection. 600 settler attacks have been carried out since the beginning of 2023 according to UN data.

At least 399 Palestinians have been forcibly uprooted from their homes since 2022 according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

490000 settlers are currently residing in illegal settlements in the West Bank including Occupied Jerusalem according to a previous UN report.

The al-Aqsa Mosque where worshipers including women are frequently attacked has also been under constant threat.

Israeli attacks also included Christians as a target. Israeli occupation soldiers killed Shirin Abu Akleh a Palestinian journalist with a single gunshot to the chest. Her funeral was then attacked.

So what is the world expecting from the Palestinians? To give in to the siege and death! Or wait until the settlers burn them alive like they did to the Dawabsha family? Or until the al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed perhaps?

How about Gaza?

Just after the Hamas Movement won the legislative elections in 2006 the Israeli occupation authority imposed an unfair siege on Gaza for 17 years making it impossible for more than two million people to provide for their basic needs.

A year later the siege was tightened cutting off Gaza from the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem. Consequently both the unemployment and poverty rates rose to 65%.

The Gaza Strip’s health sector was the most severely impacted with patients having to wait months before having urgent surgeries.

Israel launched four devastating wars against the people of Gaza during the 17-year siege resulting in the deaths of thousands of civilians and the destruction of tens of thousands of homes.

The struggle for existence

Who began the conflict was a topic today in the mainstream media. They seem to want to erase history!

In response to questions from the American and British media British MP George Gallawi stated: “The conflict did not begin today but since Israel occupied Palestine uprooted its people and carried out heinous massacres against them from here the history of the conflict began. Do not falsify the truth and convince everyone that the person defending themselves is the problem!&rdquo

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