Wed 23-October-2024

Hamas’s ethical treatment of captives

Tuesday 28-November-2023

Activists, journalists, politicians, and social media users have responded to a video clip showing the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, handing over the second batch of Israeli captives held by them to the International Committee of the Red Cross. 

They praised the compassionate approach of the resistance fighters towards the captives, contrary to what is propagated by Israel, and stated that “the captives left as if they were bidding farewell to their friends in Gaza.”

The clip showed Al-Qassam fighters escorting some Israeli captives, including women and children, to Red Cross vehicles on Saturday evening. Some of the female captives greeted the resistance fighters, and one of the fighters responded with a greeting in English.

The video spread across all social media platforms and garnered significant attention due to the scenes of Israeli captives bidding farewell to Qassam fighters with looks filled with affection.

Jordanian journalist Yasser Abu Hilalah commented on the video through his account on the X website, stating, “These are the images that the enemy fears. History has not known fighters more faithful, noble, and courageous than the Qassam Brigades. Their battle is not against children. The same hand that reaches for a tank and hurls it with the flames of death is the hand that shows compassion towards children and protects them from death.”

Meanwhile, preacher Fadel Suleiman wondered on the X platform, “Why do the captives who were imprisoned love their captors?” He answered, saying, “I am not surprised by that matter. The fighters of the Islamic Resistance are reminiscent of the Companions (of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him) and they walk in their footsteps.” 

Suleiman added, “They (resistance fighters) preferred the captives with good food, while they themselves ate cold dates. How could they not, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised them: ‘Treat captives well.'”

He added, “The Muslim fighter first triumphs over himself, and then Allah grants him victory. The prisoner is a person who came to kill him, seize his land, violate his wife, and enslave his children. Nevertheless, after fighting him, capturing him, and tightly restraining him, the Mujahid is required to have mercy on his weakness, treat him well, and even prioritize him over himself, even in food.”

He continued, “Therefore, the fight must be purely for the sake of Allah, not out of personal desire for revenge. This is what the Israeli captives in Gaza saw. They saw Islam manifested.”

“The West did not comprehend the scenes of Israeli captives bidding farewell to Qassam fighters with looks filled with affection,” said journalist Sherine Arafah on the X platform, pointing out that “they do not know that Allah Almighty has commanded us to prioritize the prisoner over ourselves in food and drink.”

She added, “Those fighters, who were occupying our lands, seizing our homes, and participating in the war against us yesterday, are now prisoners in our hands, having no control over their affairs. Our religion imposes on us to preserve their lives and treat them well as if they were our closest relatives, and even to prioritize them over ourselves.”

She concluded, “It seems that the war in Gaza will be the greatest divine message from Allah to everyone, to introduce the religion of Islam, and the people of Gaza are its greatest ambassadors. O Allah, support and grant victory to Hamas and the dearest people of Gaza.”

Those scenes shocked the Israeli media,” as activist Sam Yusuf said, “because they showed genuine signs of friendship between the Israeli captives and the Qassam fighters,” confirming that “the shock of the scenes is that Israel does not understand the language of mercy, tolerance, and friendship.”

Dr. Hudhaifa Abdullah Azam stated, “The scenes of the release of prisoners in which the Qassam Brigades excelled have erased from the memory of generations a century and a half of efforts in which the international media has been portraying jihad as brutality, savagery, and terrorism, Then came the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle to prove to the world that the most merciful of creatures are the Mujahideen, and that Jihad in the cause of Allah was legislated to establish justice on Earth and spread mercy among creatures.”

For his part, activist Adham Abu Salmiah said, “The resistance continues to provide moral lessons to the world in the treatment of captives,” noting that “the Al-Qassam Brigades realize that they have a heavy responsibility in presenting the image of Islam to humanity as a whole in the face of the brutal and dirty image of the Zionist occupation.”

He continued, “The scenes tonight of the release of the second batch of enemy prisoners are an ethical lesson for the civilized world, as it calls itself.”

On Friday and Saturday, Israel released two batches of 78 Palestinian prisoners, including children and women, while Hamas released 26 Israeli prisoners, also including women and children, in addition to 14 Thai and Filipino nationals.

On November 24, the humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian factions went into effect at 07:00 local time (05:00 GMT) and will last for 4 days, with the possibility of extension.

Overall, the agreement includes the release of 50 Israeli prisoners from Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons, in addition to the entry of hundreds of trucks loaded with aid and fuel into all areas of the Gaza Strip.

For a period of 48 days until November 23, the Israeli army waged a devastating war on Gaza, resulting in the death of 14,854 Palestinians, including 6,150 children and over 4,000 women, in addition to more than 36,000 injured, including over 75% children and women, according to the Gaza Government Media Office.

Meanwhile, Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis, injured 5,431, and captured about 239. They have begun exchanging them with Israel, which has more than 7,000 Palestinian prisoners in its jails.

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