Thu 5-September-2024

Calls for establishing special international court to prosecute perpetrators of Gaza crimes

Monday 25-December-2023

Specialists in international law are calling for the urgent creation of a new international court dedicated to the genocide crimes committed by Israel in Gaza, in full partnership with the United States. These crimes have resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 citizens, tens of thousands of wounded, extensive infrastructure destruction, and the displacement of the majority of Gaza’s residents from their demolished homes due to the brutal aggression.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Mousa, an international law professor, emphasized in his statements to the Palestinian Information Center the immediate and urgent need for the UN Security Council to take action regarding the massacres and genocide taking place in Gaza, as they pose a threat to international peace and security.

Al-Mousa stressed the importance of the Security Council’s unequivocal condemnation of the genocide crimes, grave and systematic human rights violations, and crimes against humanity committed openly with unlimited American support.

He said that the Security Council must refer Israel’s leaders and those involved in supporting it to the International Criminal Court or consider establishing a special court, as was done in the cases of Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and other situations.

The international law expert affirmed the necessity of ensuring that the Palestinian people obtain their minimum rights according to international law, including the right to self-determination, the right of return, and all their legitimate rights. He reiterated that the Security Council is obligated to act to stop these crimes.

UN official calls for the establishment of International Court for Israeli crimes in Gaza

The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing called for the establishment of a new international court if the International Criminal Court does not take swift action regarding Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

He said that what is happening in Gaza is a result of institutional impunity.

He further added that if the International Criminal Court does not act very soon, “we will need a special (international) court for Gaza and action from the countries involved”.

For his part, international law expert Mohammed Al-Mousa emphasized that the situation in Gaza and the massacres being committed there represent a violation of the “binding rules of international law.”

He stressed that countries must cooperate to address this violation, but the United States has hindered cooperation and deepened and prolonged these crimes, providing cover for Israel through multiple vetoes at the Security Council.

Al-Mousa reiterated that “America is not only involved, but bears full legal responsibility in the Gaza Strip from a legal standpoint for its abuse of the powers granted to it by the Security Council.”

The Government Media Office in Gaza said that Israel committed 1,720 massacres, resulting in 27,258 martyrs and missing persons, including over 8,200 children and 6,200 women. Moreover, 310 medical personnel and 35 civil defense personnel were killed, along with 100 journalists who sacrificed their lives to convey the truth to the world.

During a press conference on the 78th day of the aggression, the GMO pointed out that there are 7,000 missing individuals, either under the rubble or with unknown fate, 70% of them are women and children, while the number of injured reached 53,688.

The Office estimated that the number of arrests carried out by the Israeli occupation army during the aggression exceeded 2,600, including 40 medical crews and 8 journalists. It also highlighted dozens of cases of extrajudicial executions by the occupation army against detainees and burying them in mass graves.

The GMO emphasized that the extrajudicial execution crimes committed by the occupation army against dozens of Palestinian civilians are serious war crimes punishable by all international laws. It referred to the “horrific testimonies” provided by eyewitnesses regarding the occupation’s perpetration of field executions.

Therefore, the GMO called on the United States and the international community to assume their direct responsibilities toward these crimes since they are the ones who granted Israel the green light and approved the execution of these crimes, as well as supplying it with various weapons. They have also repeatedly refused to stop the brutal war on the Gaza Strip.

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