Sat 27-July-2024

Israeli army destroys 380 mosques in Gaza

Friday 12-January-2024


The Government Media Office (GMO) in the Gaza Strip confirmed on Thursday that the Israeli occupation army has destroyed 380 mosques and 3 churches in the region since the beginning of its aggression over three months ago.

The GMO spokesperson said that during the genocidal war on Gaza, the Israeli army completely destroyed 140 mosques and partially destroyed 240 mosques, in addition to targeting and destroying 3 churches.

He pointed out that the prominent methods of destroying mosques included launching missiles and bombs at them, some of which weighed 2000 pounds of explosives, leading to their complete destruction.

Since October 7th, the Israeli army has intentionally targeted mosques, churches, and historical sites in the Gaza Strip in an attempt to erase religious, cultural, and heritage presence in the region and to cover up Palestinian historical evidence and historical depth in Gaza, according to the GMO.

Among the significant historical and archaeological landmarks destroyed during the three months of aggression on the Gaza Strip is the Grand Omari Mosque. This mosque, which dates back to the Mamluk era, was completely destroyed last month. It is one of the oldest and largest mosques in Gaza, with parts of it dating back to the Mamluk era. The mosque consists of three floors with a total area exceeding three thousand square meters, accommodating more than two thousand worshipers.

Also, the historic Al-Sayyid Hashim Mosque, located in Gaza City, was partially damaged. It is situated in the Daraj neighborhood with an estimated area of around 2400 square meters, and it is considered one of the most beautiful and oldest mosques in Gaza.

Furthermore, the historic Azfir Al-Dhamri Mosque, which dates back to the Mamluk period, was completely destroyed due to Israeli airstrikes. Founded by the Mamluk Prince Shihab al-Din Ahmed bin Azfir al-Dhamri in the 8th Hijri century, the mosque covers an area of 600 square meters and is known as “Al-Qazdari” among the general public. It houses the tomb of Shihab al-Dhamri.

The Israeli occupation army also targeted the ancient Church of Saint Porphyrius, the oldest church in Gaza, located in the Zaytoun neighborhood, one of its oldest neighborhoods. It was built in the year 425 AD by Saint Porphyrius, after whom it was named, and the church contains his tomb. The horizontal design indicates that the church consists of a large hall with a dome-crossed roof, supported by stone columns.

Earlier today, the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced an increase in the toll of the aggression on the region to 23,469 martyrs and 59,604 injuries since October 7th of last year.

The Ministry of Health stated that the occupation committed 10 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, resulting in 112 martyrs and 194 injuries.

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