Sat 27-July-2024

The Israeli war of starvation devastates children of Gaza

Friday 22-March-2024


“For four days, my daughter has been enduring tea without sugar, we fast without pre-dawn meal, no bread, no food. Where can we go?” With these words, an elderly Palestinian woman in Gaza narrates the state of the war of starvation carried out by Israel against civilians in Gaza, in front of the very eyes of the whole world, without the human conscience making the slightest movement.

She continues, “We mostly eat lemons and peppers, and our hearts burn, what more do you want from us?” Meanwhile, the world that claims civilization and humanity sees, hears, and turns a deaf ear to this situation that more than two million Palestinians in Gaza are suffering from. Hunger is not their only pain; they are all either wounded, injured, or displaced in the open without the minimum humanitarian necessities.

Mohammed Al-Najjar, the child, became a martyr, and the world did not respond to his cries and screams due to hunger. This is documented by activists in the Gaza Strip, who witness scenes of pain and oppression where hunger devours the children in Gaza.

The child Al-Najjar died due to famine and malnutrition caused by the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, while waiting for the humanitarian aid that the Americans will bring from their ports and their Middle Eastern tours.

“Go to sleep, there is no food in the house”

In the narratives of the war of starvation, there is something that shakes human consciences, perhaps prompting them to move to save Gaza before thousands of children succumb to hunger.

One of those Gaza children speaks about the scarcity of food and how they spend their days with whatever little food is available, like a quarter or half a loaf of bread, if available.

He confirms that he always goes to sleep without dinner, and if he complains of hunger, his helpless mother says, “Go to sleep, there is no food in the house.”

Death by hunger in Gaza

For days now, the World Food Program, a United Nations agency, has been warning that thousands of children in northern Gaza will die of hunger if the program’s teams are unable to enter.

The chief economists of the World Food Program, Arif Hussein, said that children are dying of hunger in the Gaza Strip, especially in the north, adding that the program is on the verge of declaring a famine in northern Gaza.

During a video conference with journalists at the United Nations on the Integrated Phase Classification for Food Security (IPC) report, Hussein stated, “For humanitarian workers, famine means declaring our collective failure. It means that we have failed, and people and children have died of hunger.”

Food shortages are ravaging infants in Gaza … Dalia is an example

In this painful context of the effects of the war of starvation, the efforts of doctors at Kamal Adwan Hospital have failed to save the life of the Palestinian infant Dalia, due to health complications resulting from the lack of appropriate milk for her, under the strict Israeli siege imposed on northern Gaza since October 7th of last year.

Dalia, a two-month-old baby, was laying on a small bed in the incubator ward, while a Palestinian doctor performed a cardiac massage on her in a last attempt to save her life, but his efforts were unsuccessful, according to the Anadolu news Agency.

Dalia was not the only infant who lost her life due to malnutrition. 27 Palestinians, including infants, have died in recent weeks due to food shortages in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, where the population faces a shortage of food, water, and infant formula due to the Israeli blockade imposed on the region.

Hospitals in northern Gaza are also suffering from a shortage of medical equipment and medications, in addition to power outages. To mitigate the catastrophic impact on patients and war casualties, they rely on small generators and solar panels to provide sufficient energy for their medical activities.

According to a medical source in the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of deaths due to malnutrition in Gaza has risen to 28, including infants.

On March 16th, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stated that one-third of children under the age of two in northern Gaza suffer from acute malnutrition.

The UN agency, on the “X” platform, explained that “malnutrition among children is spreading rapidly and reaching unprecedented levels in Gaza.”

According to the agency, one in every three children under the age of two in northern Gaza suffers from acute malnutrition.

Famine looms on the horizon, and there is no time to waste, as confirmed by UNRWA. UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, revealed that severe malnutrition among children has doubled in just one month in northern Gaza.

Due to the war and Israeli restrictions that contradict international laws, the people of Gaza, especially in the Gaza and northern governorates, are on the brink of famine. They face severe shortages of food, water, medicine, and fuel, with approximately two million Palestinians displaced from the besieged territory that has been under Israeli blockade for 17 years.

In an attempt to address the crisis, Arab and foreign countries continue their cooperation to deliver aid to the northern areas of the Gaza Strip by air. However, these efforts remain insufficient and do not meet the urgent needs of the Palestinians.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel has been waging a devastating war on the Gaza Strip with American support, resulting in tens of thousands of civilian casualties, mostly children and women, as well as a humanitarian catastrophe and massive infrastructure destruction.

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