Sat 27-July-2024

Six months of genocide in Palestine, the harvest of Israeli brutality

Saturday 6-April-2024


For the past six months, the statistics of Israeli crimes have been escalating, ravaging the Gaza Strip in a genocidal war that enters its seventh month by April 7th. In addition to the violations committed by Israel on all fronts in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank.

According to Al-Jazeera and Palestinian official sources, the toll of the aggression that began on October 7th, 2023, has been documented as in the following statistics.

According to data published by the Gaza Strip’s Government Media Office (GMO), for a period of 180 days of aggression, Israel committed 2,922 massacres, resulting in the deaths and missing of 39,975 citizens, including 14,500 children and 9,560 women.

Among the martyrs were 484 medical personnel, 65 civil defense personnel, and 140 journalists. The data also indicate approximately 75,577 injuries in the Gaza Strip since the start of the aggression. According to the same source, 73% of the victims are children and women, while 17,000 children live without one or both of their parents.

Displacement and destruction in Gaza

The report also noted that one million displaced people have left their homes, and 70,000 housing units have been completely destroyed during the 180-day period, with another 290,000 units partially destroyed, using approximately 70,000 tons of explosives.

According to GMO data, 171 government headquarters, 100 schools and universities were completely destroyed, and 305 schools and universities were partially destroyed. Additionally, 229 mosques were completely destroyed, 297 mosques were partially destroyed, and 3 churches were destroyed.

In terms of health, Israel rendered 32 hospitals and 53 health centers out of service, and targeted 159 healthcare facilities and 126 ambulances.

Regarding settlements and displacement in the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 457 Palestinian citizens were killed and 4,750 were injured in 180 days. The ministry also documented 340 attacks on healthcare facilities and workers in the West Bank during the past six months.

According to the Palestinian Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, since October 7th of last year, the Israeli occupation has confiscated about 27,000 dunums (one dunum equals one thousand square meters) of Palestinian land in the West Bank and established three buffer zones around the settlements.

During the six months, Israeli planning bodies studied a total of 52 structural plans for the construction of 8,829 settlement units, covering an area of 6,852 dunums. Approval was given for 1,895 settlement units.

According to the authority, the occupation forces and settlers carried out approximately 9,700 attacks in the West Bank during the past six months, including 1,156 attacks by settlers, resulting in the killing of 12 Palestinian citizens. These attacks also targeted natural resources and resulted in the destruction, uprooting, and poisoning of more than 9,600 trees, mostly olive trees.

In the West Bank, 25 Palestinian Bedouin communities consisting of 220 families, totaling 1,277 individuals, were forcibly displaced from their homes to other areas.

The number of permanent and temporary barriers erected in the West Bank, including military and earth barriers that divide Palestinian lands and impose restrictions on the movement of individuals and goods, reached 840, including more than 140 gates erected after October 7th of last year.

Regarding violations of education, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Education, the number of student victims of the aggression reached 5,994 in the Gaza Strip and 56 in the West Bank. Additionally, 266 teachers were killed in the Gaza Strip. The tally also recorded 9,890 student injuries in the Gaza Strip and 329 in the West Bank, as well as 973 injured teachers and administrators in Gaza and 6 in the West Bank. The attacks by the occupation forces targeted 286 schools in Gaza and 64 schools in the West Bank, depriving 620,000 students in the Gaza Strip of education.

Regarding prisoners and detainees, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Society, since October 7th of last year, at least 13 prisoners have died in Israeli prisons as a result of torture. The number of arrests in the past 180 days reached about 8,000 Palestinians, and the number of detainees inside prisons exceeded 9,100.

According to the data from the Society until March 31st, approximately 258 women, 500 children, and 64 journalists were among the detainees. The number of administrative detention orders, which are arrests without charges, trial, or a specific time limit, exceeded 4,430 orders after October 7th of last year.

Economic losses estimated by the World Bank and the United Nations regarding the cost of Israeli aggression’s damage to vital infrastructure in the Gaza Strip amount to about $18.5 billion, which is equivalent to 97% of Palestine’s total GDP in 2022.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of National Economy, 29% of the operating economic establishments in the West Bank have completely or partially closed due to arbitrary occupation measures, including repeated invasions of cities, destruction of infrastructure, and imposed barriers that restrict the freedom of movement of individuals and goods.

The ministry estimates the daily losses of the aggression, resulting from the near-total cessation of production in the Gaza Strip and its repercussions on the West Bank, to be around $25 million, not including direct losses in property and assets.

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