Sat 27-July-2024

Ghorayeba, the favorite dessert of displaced Palestinians amidst the war in Gaza

Sunday 19-May-2024


The Palestinians in Gaza have been enduring a fierce war for 8 months, yet they have not wavered or weakened in their resilience, steadfastness, and resistance against the most heinous crimes and genocide unfolding on live television.

Since the beginning of the genocide on October 7th last year, the Israeli occupation forces have deprived the people of Gaza of the basic necessities of life, such as water, electricity, and essential supplies, in an attempt to destroy and exterminate the Palestinians. Israel did not stop at that; they targeted everything, including restaurants and sweet shops, turning most buildings and shops into piles of rubble and debris.

The path of life

Despite all of this, the Palestinians did not succumb to helplessness. They faced numerous difficulties and devised creative methods to sustain their lives, not only adapting to a bleak reality but also enhancing their resilience and thwarting the Zionist plans of annihilation.

Amongst the images of resilience and survival, and in the effort to provide for their needs, many professions emerged as a source of livelihood for the Palestinians, who have turned into displaced people and refugees in their own homeland, especially in the Gaza Strip.

Among the limited food stalls, the Ghorayeba dessert has stood out as it has accompanied the Palestinians since the early days of the war due to its simplicity in preparation and the availability of its ingredients.

On every street and at every intersection, you will find a seller of Ghorayeba sweets.

The Ghorayeba stall

Mohammed Al-Farra, a citizen who owns a stall for making and selling Ghorayeba in the city of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza Strip, says that he resorted to opening the stall to support his family amidst the prevailing dire living conditions.

He told the correspondent of the Palestinian Information Center, “The Ghorayeba dessert is simple to prepare, as it consists of flour, ghee, and sugar.”

He pointed out that even in the absence of cooking gas, he prepares it using firewood.

He confirmed that there is a great demand for it from the citizens due to its delicious taste, as well as the lack of many types of sweets and candies in the market due to the Israeli blockade and bombardment.

Hajah Um Odaie Atallah tells our correspondent that the Ghorayeba dessert is delicious and readily available in the market, and is easy to prepare.

She adds that since the beginning of the war, she has been regularly buying it from the markets due to its delicious taste, low prices, and the absence of other types of sweets in the market.

The Israeli occupation army continues its bloody war on the Gaza Strip, by land, sea, and air, since October 7th, 2023, resulting in the martyrdom of 35,386 citizens, the majority of whom are children and women, and the injury of 79,366 others so far. Thousands of victims are still under the rubble, in addition to the destruction of about 70% of the buildings in the Strip and the forced displacement of the majority of its population.

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