Mon 14-October-2024

Amidst war and forced displacement, Gazans flee the fire of war and the heat to the sea

Wednesday 22-May-2024


Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are crammed into a narrow geographical area due to the policy of forced displacement pursued by the Israeli occupation forces since the start of the war of genocide against Gaza Strip.

With the rise in temperatures in the Gaza Strip a month before the start of the summer season, and with a complete power outage, the tents of the displaced and the houses appear like burning ovens.

Here, the displaced find only the sea to flee to, hoping its water will cool the heat of their bodies, and hoping its breeze will ease the pains of their hearts that the war has weighed down.

The PIC correspondent confirms that the beach from Al-Nusairat and Deir Al-Balah in the center of the Strip, to Khan Yunis in the south, is teeming with the displaced searching for a glimpse of life amid the din of war and death.

The correspondent says: You find women, men and children relaxing in the sea waters, in the scorching heat, and others sitting facing the shore snatching moments of life.

Despite this, the Israeli occupation’s boats and warships disturb the calm of the displaced by intense gunfire, and sometimes they fire shells.

Despite the lava of the bombardment, the people of Gaza insist on steadfastness, and all of them are determined to confront the Israeli occupation army to wrest their right to life.

On the city’s beach, the young man Khalil Jamal, from Deir Al-Balah, stands in front of his small kiosk where he sells coffee and drinks. The young man tells our correspondent: Despite the fire of war, we find a glimpse of life, as people come to relax and swim in the sea, and have some drinks.

But what is noticeable is that the young man Khalil prepares the coffee and tea on a wood fire, in the face of a complete cut-off of cooking gas. This confirms that the Palestinian people are steadfast on their land, despite the war of genocide and the committed crimes.

Near him sits an elderly man with wrinkles etched on his cheeks by the cruelty of the days. He tells our correspondent: The sea is their only respite, and the sea is the companion of the Gazans.

He adds that when he looks at the sea and the crowding of people, he is sure that Gaza, even if its war is prolonged, is victorious by the love of its people for life, and their rallying around the resistance.

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