Thu 27-June-2024

Targeting work teams, an Israeli crime to destroy the foundations of life in Gaza Strip

Monday 24-June-2024


The targeting by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) of the Gaza municipality team responsible for securing the water supply for hundreds of thousands of residents and displaced persons was not an isolated incident, but rather part of the Israeli attempts to destroy all the foundations of life as part of its comprehensive genocide campaign against the Gaza Strip.

According to the Gaza Municipality, the Israeli occupation targeted the Gaza Municipality employees working in the operation of the water wells in the municipality’s garage last Friday morning, resulting in the martyrdom of five of them.

The martyrs were carrying out their national duty and serving the citizens by providing water, despite the extremely limited capabilities and high risk.

The Gaza Municipality warned of the collapse of the municipal services system due to the targeting of municipality employees by the IOF, which could endanger the lives of citizens due to the disruption of essential services such as water, sanitation, and waste collection.

According to the documentation of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, the targeting of Gaza Municipality employees came despite prior coordination with the IOF and obtaining prior approval of the names of the employees working there.

Systematic targeting

This was not the first incident, as for 261 days the IOF has not stopped targeting all aspects of humanitarian service and its personnel, including the targeting of foreign workers as happened with the World Kitchen and many United Nations employees, as well as the headquarters of international institutions, the latest of which was the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which was damaged by the bombardment in Rafah last Friday.

With a clear methodology, the occupation forces are working to assassinate and target police officers and their elements who are working to maintain public security and community security, and who are working to secure shelters and distribute aid.

The data from the Ministry of Interior indicates assassinations by the IOF, despite its assertion that the police force has a civilian nature and its role is related to the community.

Destruction of the foundations of life

Local sources indicate that the IOF is deliberately working to destroy all the foundations of life in the Gaza Strip. After destroying the majority of homes, facilities, and infrastructure, it is now focusing on and continuing to target work crews, whether government-related at different levels, or humanitarian and service workers.

These sources, in their interview with the Palestinian Information Center (PIC), indicate that the IOF has not spared any sector of public service, confirming that the matter goes beyond the idea of targeting Hamas Movement, to targeting and destroying everything that would help the population live, even at a minimum.

Evidence of this includes the IOF targeting of communication teams despite their movements being coordinated in advance, as well as targeting ambulance and civil defense crews, and targeting UN employees, even if in limited cases, aiming to deter anyone trying to help Gaza, according to the sources.

The targeting, according to the PIC correspondent, focuses on government work crews, the police, emergency committees, and public services who are trying to alleviate the burdens of displacement and the war on 2.3 million people in the Gaza Strip.

These targeting operations have not prevented the official and popular work crews from continuing to work and provide services to secure the needs of the displaced and assist them as much as possible.

The writer Yasser Al-Ghoul points out that the occupation is targeting everyone who works to serve the people, and targets their homes, even those working in municipalities, water, electricity, and communications lines.

“What should we do?” he asked and replied, “if every person went out to the field to work, the teacher would teach in the shelter center or the street, the artist would teach drawing, the employees would clean the streets, extend water lines, organize life, work to secure aid without waiting for orders from anyone.”

He added, “Let’s make Gaza a beehive, even if we perish in the process.”

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