Mon 14-October-2024

Northern Gaza cries out to the free world: “Do not let our voice fade into darkness”

Monday 14-October-2024


“To all who carry a shred of humanity in their hearts: do not let our voice fade into darkness. We are being killed, starved, and thirsting mercilessly. Help us, spread our message, be our voice everywhere,” a distress call directed by those besieged in Northern Gaza, who are being subjected to relentless siege, starvation, killing, and destruction by the Israeli occupying forces—right under the eyes and ears of the entire world—without anyone moving to help or responding to the distress calls from major countries that claim to respect human rights and international organizations that have long touted their commitment to these values.

Death by thirst and hunger
The essence of their message, which we convey to the world: “Our situation in Northern Gaza is death by thirst and hunger, a call to all Muslims around the world: from besieged Gaza, from the completely isolated northern Gaza Strip, we direct a plea to you for help.”

The widely circulated message adds: “Hunger and thirst are devastating us, the streets are filled with corpses, and it is impossible to even count the number of martyrs. The Israeli occupation has completely isolated the area, separating the north from the central Gaza Strip, and there is now no way to access food or water.”

It points out: “We are now living a tragedy beyond imagination, where death does not come only from bombardment, warplanes, and tanks, but also from starvation and thirst.”

According to the message: “Wherever you are, O Muslims, in the Arab or Islamic world, or anywhere on this Earth, we call upon you to take action, to march, and to pressure this Zionist entity. Before more deaths are announced due to the oppressive siege; rise up and raise your voices, for every minute that passes increases our suffering.”

A call for action from the world
For his part, Dr. Rami Ayasra, director of the National Human Rights Association in Jordan, called on the United Nations, the Security Council, all human rights organizations, and all relevant parties to take immediate and urgent action to stop the crime of genocide in Northern Gaza. He emphasized the necessity of taking strict steps in response to calls to prevent arming Israel until the cycle of blood and ongoing massacres is halted.

In statements to the Palestinian Information Center, Ayasra said that what is happening in Jabalia, in particular, and in Northern Gaza, in humanitarian terms, is a war crime in every sense of the word. There is mass killing, ethnic cleansing, and genocide being perpetrated by Israeli forces against the citizens of Jabalia and Northern Gaza in general. He stressed that it is unacceptable under international law to overlook these crimes due to their repetition; the repetition of a crime is a crime in itself, contrary to what some may believe in the media and political spheres, that it is possible to adapt to these crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army for over a year.

He pointed out that “these crimes are recurring and intensifying, especially in the Jabalia camp and northern Gaza, with an attempt to create forced displacement from northern Gaza to impose a new reality that the Israeli forces want to enforce as part of their plans for genocide and ethnic cleansing.”

He continued, “In reality, the international community and international organizations, led by the United Nations, must take immediate action to save these unarmed civilians from this Zionist criminality.”

Aiyasra also noted, “The same applies to the urgent issuance of arrest warrants for Netanyahu, his War Minister, and members of the Israeli government by the International Criminal Court, which has taken steps in this direction but has not completed them. Therefore, this international institution must fulfill its duty and responsibility to identify war criminals by name and issue arrest warrants for them, especially for Netanyahu and the Zionist war criminals.”

He emphasized that “from time to time, they visit certain countries, especially those that support them. Thus, this organization cannot remain idle or fall victim to the political blackmail practiced by the United States and some other states that support Zionist criminality, which pressure these organizations to prevent them from fulfilling their roles and attempt to hinder their efforts.”

Al-Ayasra said that “all of this clearly indicates that a major crime is being committed, and that all human rights organizations, international bodies, and the international community in general must fulfill their obligations to prevent humanity from descending into a lawless state where the strong impose their criminal actions on peoples unable to defend themselves, especially concerning civilians and their protection.”

Failure of the international system
Al-Ayasra explained: “Undoubtedly, the failure of the international system has been evident since October 7, particularly regarding the Security Council due to the American veto and the political cover provided by the US for Zionist crimes, which has hindered the Council from fulfilling its duties, especially in terms of addressing these unjust Zionist practices under Chapter VII, which mandates accountability for the perpetrators of Zionist crimes, including Netanyahu and his government.”

He continued: “Thus, the United Nations Security Council has become incapable of fulfilling its responsibilities due to the American veto, political balances, and US protection.”

“However, this does not absolve other international organizations, such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, from issuing arrest warrants for Zionist war criminals and condemning the Zionist entity as a rogue state under international law,” he remarked.

Al-Ayasra pointed out that “there are other avenues outside the UN Security Council that can be significantly influential. Nevertheless, we have found that in light of the Security Council’s failure to carry out its responsibilities, some countries have taken measures to pressure the occupying state by recalling ambassadors and severing relations in Latin America and some African nations, particularly South Africa, as a form of political pressure and to declare a position against these Zionist crimes.”

Call to stop military support
Al-Ayasra said, “I believe that the current obligation should be to simultaneously condemn these Israeli crimes and to appeal for a decision to halt military support to Israel.”

He pointed out that the statements made by the French president a few days ago call for more efforts from the international community, particularly regarding the issuance of a Security Council resolution that prohibits supplying Israel with weapons used against civilians and that violate international law. This could be an opportunity to stop the ongoing cycle of bloodshed and acts of genocide.

The message from the north is alarming
Dr. Ali Qora Daghi, the President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, sent a message of solidarity with the besieged northern Gaza to the Islamic nation and all free people of the world.

He said in a tweet, “I received a heartbreaking voice message from our people in besieged Gaza, specifically from the northern sector, which has been completely isolated.”

He noted that this message represents a sincere call for help that expresses suffering beyond description; hunger and thirst are devastating the bodies, the streets are filled with martyrs, and the martyrs are countless.

He emphasized that this oppressive siege imposed by Israel has separated the northern sector from the rest of Gaza Strip areas, leaving no way to access food and water.

He continued, “This painful scene places us all before our responsibilities as an Islamic nation and as free people in this world.”

He pointed out that the people in Gaza are not only facing death from bombardment but also from starvation and thirst, in a humanitarian tragedy that intensifies with every moment.

The President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars issued an urgent call to all Muslims everywhere: “It is time to act, each according to his/her ability and capacity; there is no excuse for those who delay.”

He added, “Your brothers in Gaza are calling out for help, and your duty now is to participate in protest marches and to pressure by all means Israel and its allies to lift this unjust siege.”

Qora Daghi urged the free people of the world, human rights organizations, and anyone who has a shred of humanity in his/her heart to support this oppressed people and to convey the voice of the oppressed in Gaza to international platforms, so that this brutal siege is exposed and life can return to the people there.

He concluded by saying, “We ask Allah to lift this affliction from them and to reward all those who strive to support them.”

Ireland: The Israeli attack on northern Gaza is a war crime
In a related context, Irish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defense, Michael Martin, affirmed that “the Israeli attack on northern Gaza is considered a war crime, and the international community must use every available means to pressure Israel to stop this war.”

Martin added in a statement on Sunday, “The horrific scenes we are witnessing in Jabalia and northern Gaza must stop, where the population is completely surrounded and forced to evacuate, leaving them with no place to go.”

For the ninth consecutive day, Israeli occupation forces continue their crimes and acts of genocide against the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza.

The Israeli army, supported by the United States and Europe, has been conducting its aggression against Gaza for 373 days, bombarding the surroundings of hospitals, buildings, towers, and the homes of Palestinian civilians, destroying them on top of their inhabitants, while preventing the entry of water, food, medicine, and fuel.

The ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza has led to the martyrdom of over 42,227 people and has injured more than 98,464 others, with 90% of the population of the Strip displaced, according to data from the United Nations.

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