Fri 20-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Corona in Palestine: 16 deaths 1927 new cases within 24 hours

Mai Al-Kailah the Palestinian Minister of Health announced on Sunday that 16 deaths 1927 new infections of coronavirus and 957 recoveries were recorded during the last 24 hours.

COVID-19 in Palestine: 9 deaths 1720 new cases within 24 hours

The Ministry of Health in Ramallah announced on Wednesday that 9 deaths 1720 new cases of coronavirus and 490 recoveries were recorded during the past 24 hours after conducting 7366 examinations.

Professor Rashid Khalidi’s “Hundred Years’ War on Palestine”

The Association of Student Activism for Palestine (ASAP) held a webinar on Friday 20th November with Professor Rashid Khalidi the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University.

Protesters injured as IOF quells weekly march of Kafr Qaddum

Two Palestinian young men on Saturday suffered from injuries and many others from tear gas when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked the weekly march of Kafr Qaddum town east of Qalqilya.

Humsa: New victim of Israeli ethnic cleansing

After 5 hours of razing the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) destroyed an entire community in Khirbet Humsa in the northern Jordan Valley.

Besieged Gaza is living in a boiling pot

While the world was busy with the American elections it is not paying attention to what is going on in the besieged Gaza Strip and its surroundings.

Cancer-stricken prisoner Kamal Abu Wa’er dies in Israeli jails

Cancer-stricken Palestinian prisoner Kamal Abu Wa’er 46 died today in Israeli detention following a sharp decline in his health condition and his exposure to medical neglect.

Peace Now: Israel’s settlement expansion surged during Trump’s tenure

The human rights group Peace Now said that Donald Trump's administration greenlighted a surge in settlement construction and planning and attempted to set in motion Israel's formal annexation of the occupied West Bank.

Hamas: Akhras imposed his will on Israel

Hamas Movement said on Friday that the Palestinian prisoner Maher Al-Akhras "imposed his will on the arrogant occupier”.

Akhras ends hunger strike

Palestinian detainee Maher al-Akhras has ended his hunger strike that lasted for 103 days after the Israeli occupation authorities agreed to his conditions.

PCHR: Israeli demolitions in Jordan Valley “ethnic cleansing”

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) has condemned the large-scale demolition and displacement campaign that was carried out last Tuesday in the northern Jordan Valley describing it as an ethnic cleansing operation.

Hamas: Storms of normalization and conspiracies will not last forever

On the 103rd anniversary of the catastrophic Balfour declaration the Hamas Movement has expressed confidence that the whirlwinds of normalization deals and the conspiracies that aim to liquidate the Palestinian cause will eventually subside and come to a halt.

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