Sat 21-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Over 200 Israeli settlers storm al-Aqsa Mosque

About 200 extremist settlers broke into al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on Sunday morning under tight police guard.

On the Road to Gaza: The Freedom Flotilla Will Sail Again

What is Gaza to us but an Israeli missile a rudimentary rocket a demolished home an injured child being whisked away by his peers under a hail of bullets?

Cancer-stricken prisoner Muwafaq Arrouq transferred to hospital

The Israeli prison service (IPS) last night transferred cancer-stricken prisoner Muwafaq Arrouq 77 from Ashkelon jail to Barzilai Hospital after a sharp decline in his health condition.

Israeli settlers raid West Bank village torch Palestinian cars

A group of Israeli settlers at dawn Friday attacked Fara'ata village near Qalqilya spray-painted racist graffiti on Palestinian homes' walls and set fire to a number of cars.

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian cars with stones in West Bank

Hordes of Israeli settlers on Saturday evening attacked Palestinian cars with stones near al-Jab'a village southwest of Bethlehem.

Israel Aims to Change Jerusalem Identity

The Israeli authorities have continued their human rights violations in Jerusalem in November 2019 as they escalated their attempts to end Palestinian presence and change the city's identity by closing institutions confiscating land and displacing residents according to a monthly report published by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Umm Al-Rihan school: Example of defiance against Israeli settlement

Ayed Zaid the principal of Umm Al-Rihan School which is located south of the West Bank City of Jenin and the rest of the staff every day walk with the students along the main settler road that leads to the school to protect them from traffic accidents.

IOF arrests wife of prisoner and his brother

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested the wife of a Palestinian prisoner and his brother while they were visiting him at Hadarim jail on Monday.

When giving bread to Gaza is a crime

Qatari envoy Mohammed Al-Emadi arrived in the Gaza Strip last weekend with $180 million to distribute among Palestinians in need.

Saudi Authorities take top Hamas official back to prison

The Prisoners of Conscience Twitter page said that the Saudi authorities transferred senior Hamas official Mohamed al-Khudari 81 back to Dhahban Central Prison after he spent some days in a hospital.

Israeli settler runs over Palestinian child in Bethlehem

An Israeli settler on Wednesday hit a Palestinian child with his car east of Bethlehem City in the southern West Bank.

Israeli settlers storm Palestinian archaeological site in al-Khalil

Dozens of Israeli settlers escorted by armed forces on Friday morning stormed a Palestinian archaeological area in Beit Ummar town north of al-Khalil City.

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