Mon 16-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

IOF bans 503 Palestinians from passing through Karama crossing

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) prevented 503 Palestinians from passing through the Karama border crossing since the start of 2016 police said Sunday.

103 Palestinians arrested over the past week

The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) nabbed over the past week 103 Palestinian citizens throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem Hamas said in a report issued Sunday.

Besieged Gaza marks grim Eid after death toll tops 1035

Civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip have marked their Eid’s day with a great sorrow after Gaza death toll has hit 1035 all killed in the ongoing Israeli offensive.

Detainee Ayman Atabish on hunger striker for 103 uninterrupted days

Palestinian detainee Ayman Atabish sentenced administratively to 6 months with neither charge nor trial has been without food for 103 days and vowed to keep going until all of his demands are met.

403 Palestinian detainees in Syria

More than 400 Palestinian refugees are currently detained in Syrian prisons in light the ongoing crisis between Syrian regime and opposition forces human rights group said.

IOA demolishes 630 houses displaces 1035 Palestinians in 2013

UN humanitarian coordinator James Rawley expressed deep concern over the escalated Israeli demolition policy in the West Bank during 2013 calling on Israel to put an end to its demolition policy.

10300 new settlement units in the West Bank within three months

A Palestinian research center says that construction of settlement units in the West Bank has increased by 176% during the first quarter of this year compared to the same quarter last year.

Statistics: The Palestinian death toll in Syria stands at 1036 till last month

New statistics revealed that more than 1 036 Palestinian refugees have been killed in Syria until last February since the outbreak of armed violence between the free army and the regime forces.

Workgroup: 1038 Palestinians killed in Syria since eruption of revolution

The workgroup for Palestinians in Syria has said that 1038 Palestinians were killed in Syria since eruption of the popular revolution in that country almost two years ago.

Tafakji: Palestinians will constitute only 12% of Jerusalem residents in 2030

Khalil al-Tafakji said that the Zionist plan to build 60000 settlement units in the next 20 years in occupied Jerusalem aims to change the demography of the city.

IOF troops kidnap 103 Palestinians last March only in Al-Khalil

The Palestinian prisoner club said Wednesday the IOF troops kidnapped during last March 103 Palestinian citizens including 15 patients and 11 children in Al-Khalil city southern West Bank.

Fayyad’s government dissolves 103 charities in WB and Gaza

The unconstitutional government of Salam Fayyad announced that it has decided to dissolve 103 institutions and charities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip which provide aid for thousands of families.