Sat 21-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Israeli forces ransack shut down Palestinian media companies

The Israeli occupation forces at predawn time Wednesday shut down and ransacked the headquarters of Palestinian media production companies citing incitement reasons during raids in Ramallah Nablus al-Khalil and Bethlehem in the West Bank.

Haunted by his love for a land robbed by the separation wall

His eyes roam far to his land behind the Apartheid Wall north of Salfit sometimes he could not hold his tears back and sometimes he manages to control them.

Israeli forces arrest 4 Jerusalemites for commemorating martyr

Israeli police on Tuesday rounded up four Jerusalem youths from Wad al-Joze neighborhood for hanging posters and handing over brochures in Occupied Jerusalem that praise martyr Misbah Abu Esbaih on the first anniversary of his martyrdom according to Israeli 0404 news website.

Olive harvest season in Palestine marred by Israeli violations

After a journey fraught with danger the Palestinian farmer Ahmad Abu Haneyya arrived in his field in Yanun village to the east of Nablus to start picking his olives with the beginning of the olive harvest season in Palestine.

PENRA: Strategic plan to improve electricity sector in Gaza

Dhafer Melhem head of the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) said the Palestinian government developed a four-pronged strategic plan to improve the electric power sector affirming that the government is fully aware of the power crisis in the Gaza Strip.

Qarayoun community emblem of cultural survival in occupied Palestine

As one strolls down the streets of al-Qaryoun in the Old City of Nablus the traces of a rich cultural mosaic intertwined with the region’s exquisite landscapes give us the impression of an area largely marked by a myriad of sub-cultures which have left their mark in more than one way.

Beit Surik: A history of heroic battles against occupation

The name of Beit Surik town located to the northwest of Occupied Jerusalem was frequently heard Tuesday morning after the Palestinian young man Nemer al-Jamal carried out an anti-occupation shooting attack in Har Adar settlement killing three Israeli border guards.

Palestinian prisoner enters 15th year of imprisonment in Israeli jails

Muhjat al-Quds Foundation for Martyrs and Prisoners revealed on Saturday that a Palestinian detainee Nahar al-Saadi 36 from Jenin has entered his 15th year of imprisonment in Israeli jails.

Shutting down Hitta Gate

For 14 years in row the Israeli occupation authorities have been shutting down the Gate of Rahma at Aqsa Mosque and had recently legitimized this action by completely closing it following an Israeli court decision.

Italian and Palestinian traditional food prepared in Gaza

Palestinian women prepared cooking tools and ingredients at a hall of an institution in Gaza waiting for chefs from Italy and Palestine to cook traditional dishes in an event sponsored by the Ministry of Culture in Gaza.

Nablus oldest restaurant without customers

With its old style the Fouad Halawa Restaurant which was opened in 1936 in the heart of the old town of Nablus in the northern West Bank is considered the oldest operating restaurant in the city which continues to exist despite time and the change of circumstances.

Foundation: Israel has no right to control Aqsa facilities

Head of the Jerusalem International Foundation in Palestine Ahmad Abu Halabiya on Sunday said that the Israeli authorities do not have the right to interfere in the administration of the facilities of al-Aqsa Mosque.

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