Sat 21-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Israeli police demands closure of Bab al-Rahma building at al-Aqsa

Israeli prosecution asked the Israeli magistrate court in Occupied Jerusalem to issue an order stipulating permanent closure of Bab al-Rahma building which is located within al-Aqsa Mosque at the pretext of being affiliated with Hamas Movement.

After long years in jail prisoner Yousef Hussein released

After 14 years in detention the Israeli prison service on Thursday morning released Palestinian prisoner Yousef Hussein a resident of Einabus town in the West Bank province of Nablus.

Rare disease destroys dreams of three siblings in Khan Younis

Like all parents Abu Khamis Ashour wishes to see his children growing up and later be married; but with the rare disease that inflicted his family all his dreams were shattered wishing that the wheel of time stops and that his children don’t turn sixteen years old.

Forced displacement threatens Palestinian presence in Sheikh Jarrah

An official report released on Thursday warned that the Israeli schemes to be implemented in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem threatens the Palestinian presence there.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian building in O. J’lem

Israeli municipal authorities on Tuesday morning demolished a residential building in the occupied Jerusalem town of Issawiya under the pretext of being built without permit.

Hamas mourns death of Muslim scholar Muayed

Hamas on Sunday mourned the death of the Yemeni scholar Mohamed Ali al-Muayed.

The story of the Palestinian town of Azzun with number 146

The number of detainees from the town of Azzun to the east of the northern West Bank city of Qalqiliya rises rapidly as the fierce Israeli arrest campaign against the town escalates turning the lives of Palestinian citizens into a real hell.

Al-Walaja: Surrounded by settlements threatened by displacement

The Palestinian village of Al-Walaja lives under siege and under constant threats of displacement.

Fear and Trepidation in Tel Aviv: Is Israel Losing the Syria War?

Israel which has played a precarious role in the Syrian war since 2011 is furious to learn that the future of the conflict is not to its liking.

10-year-old Palestinian girl injured in Israeli hit-and-run attack

A Palestinian girl was left injured on Wednesday after she was hit by an Israeli settler driving in the southern occupied West Bank province of al-Khalil.

Al-Aqsa attack: Palestinians all but abandoned

With a weak response from Arab and Muslim countries to unprecedented restrictions at the Al-Aqsa mosque Palestinians are left alone to defend the holy site from Israel's incursions.

BDS is 12 years old

BDS has achieved many significant victories. But this is one case where the final destination - not the empowering journey - is what matters most.

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