Sat 21-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Old City of Deir Istiya: A civilization rooted in history

The Old City is located at the center of Deir Istiya town to the north of Salfit province in the occupied West Bank and considered the core of the town which still maintains its presence despite the passing of days.

IOF subdues weekly march of Kafr Qaddum

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday afternoon violently attacked the peaceful anti-settlement march staged weekly by local and foreign activists in Kafr Qaddum town east of Qalqilya.

Old house in Nablus tells the story of 700 years of history

In one of the neighborhoods of the Old City in Nablus to the north of the West Bank an old house dating 700 years ago stands maintaining its old Levant architecture despite neglect and lack of renovation.

Israel to build 42 km long separation wall south of Khalil

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have drawn plans for completing the path of the apartheid wall in the southern areas of al-Khalil province south of the occupied West Bank.

Egypt closes Rafah border crossing after 4-day opening

The Egyptian authorities closed Wednesday morning the Rafah border crossing the only passageway to the outside world for the besieged Gaza Strip after a four-day exceptional opening.

Rafah crossing opened for the fourth day

Egyptian authorities extended on Tuesday the opening of the Rafah border crossing with the besieged Gaza Strip by one day.

Abu Mohammed chose selling corns over giving up his land

Bilal Mohammed Ali known as Abu Mohammed and in his 60s could not find an alternative means to resist the take over of his land by Israeli settlements’ expansion except by being physically present there and selling corns.

Bal’a tunnel history rooted in the hearts of Palestinians

Bal'a tunnel is located in an area between Nablus Jenin and Tulkarem. It dates back to the era of the Ottoman Empire maintaining its presence despite neglect and Israeli attempts of demolition.

The king of parsley takes off the crown

For twenty years Abu Otaiwi family used to cultivate their land adjacent to “Wadi Gaza” and the separation wire on the eastern border of the Gaza Strip with parsley.

Soldiers quell Kafr Qaddum march clash with young men

Violent clashes broke out on Friday afternoon between Palestinian young men and Israeli soldiers in Kafr Qaddum town in Qalqilya after the latter attacked the peaceful anti-settlement march staged weekly by local and foreign activists.

The Paris peace conference without the peace

The summit in Paris only reinforced the patronising attitude of the international community in ignoring Palestinian voices and pushing a dead two-state solution.

Palestinians in Europe to stage 7 seasons of national events as of Feb

The Palestinians in Europe Conference has launched a comprehensive program of pro-Palestine activities and events to be held during the current year 2017.

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