Sat 21-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Yousri al-Masri … sick prisoner in Israeli jails

Captive Yousri al-Masri was arrested in 2003 he was a college freshman then and was sentenced to twenty years imprisonment on the charge of resisting Israeli occupation.

Israel arrested over 1400 Palestinian women since 2000

Abdunnaser Farwana revealed that Israeli occupation forces have arrested 1403 female Palestinians since September 2000

Israeli report: 128 settlements in West Bank 17 in O. J’lem

The number of Israeli settlements illegally built in the West Bank has reached 128 settlements over the past year a new Israeli report released by former MK Ya'acov Katz revealed.

Six ill prisoners suffer worsening health conditions

Palestinian Prisoners Society revealed on Monday that six Gazan prisoners in Nafha Israeli jail suffer from worsened health conditions.

Benkirane meets with Palestinians in Europe Conference delegation

Morocco's head of government Abdelilah Benkirane met Monday with the Palestinians in Europe Conference delegation that is currently visiting Morocco.

Defined by Nakba and Exile: The Complex Reality of ‘Home’ for Palestinians

When ISIS militias swept into Mosel Iraq in June 2014 Ibrahim Mahmoud plotted his flight along with his whole family which included 11 children.

10 Years of Siege and Deadly Wars: Don’t Leave Gaza Alone

Since the war on the Gaza Strip which was launched in the summer of 2014 only a slight improvement in the humanitarian situation has occurred and the Gaza Strip is still a disaster area.

601 Palestinians subjected to torture in Israeli Gilboa lock-up

601 Palestinians incarcerated in the Israeli occupation jail of Gilboa launched distress signals over the pre-planned psycho-physical torture they have been made to endure.

Only 7% of the construction permits in OJ issued for Arab neighborhoods

Official data for the Israeli municipality in occupied Jerusalem showed that only 7 percent of building permits issued in recent years are for apartments in the Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem.

Confessions: Tales of Savagery by the Israeli Military

For outsiders it is hard to sense the real character of Israel through all the artificial identity that has been imposed on it by its supporters without serious discussion about the Palestinians’ tragedy.

Palestinian detainee serving 18 life sentences betrothed from behind bars

Family of 33-year-old Palestinian detainee Omar Saleh al-Sherif serving 18 life sentences announced on Friday evening their son’s engagement to a Palestinian girl.

Red Crescent: Over 100 Palestinians treated for injuries in Thursday’s clashes

The Red Crescent said it had provided on Thursday medical assistance to about 103 Palestinians wounded during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in different West Bank areas.

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