Fri 20-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

AOHR send letters to diplomats to rally support for administrative detainees

The Arab organization for human rights (AOHR) sent letters to lawmakers and politicians around the world to urge them to save the lives of hunger striking administrative detainees in Israeli jails.

Report: 15000 housing units built during negotiations

Israeli left-wing organization Peace Now said that Benjamin Netanyahu government had promoted plans for new settlements and housing units during the nine months of negotiations with the PA.

Nahar Saadi’s family appeals for ending his isolation

The family of Nahar Saadi 32 from Jenin northern West Bank has appealed human rights organizations and institutions to intervene for ending his isolation.

Traditional Handwork

Traditional Handwork

Prisoner Abu Hamid starts hunger strike protesting isolation

Palestinian captive Mohammed Naji Abu Hamid has started a hunger strike in Israeli captivity protesting his solitary confinement.

Handmade Throw Pillow Covers

Handmade Throw Pillow Covers

Palestinian detainee released after 11 years in Israeli prisons

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) released yesterday the Palestinian detainee Mustafa Sakhal after spending his 11-year sentence.

Deir Yassin massacre remembered on 66th anniversary

Wednesday April 9 marks the 66th anniversary of the Deir Yassin massacre which claimed the lives of a large number of native citizens west of Jerusalem in April 1948.

Palestinian hamlet in Qalqilya struggles to survive

Ezbet Tabib hamlet in Qalqilya province has been subjected to repeated Israeli attempts to wipe it off the map where 35 homes out of 45 Palestinian homes in the hamlet were notified with demolition.

Palestinian Heritage Museum

Palestinian Heritage Museum

Israeli gov’t extends ban on reunion of Palestinian families

The Israeli occupation government on Wednesday extended its citizenship law that prevents the reunion of Palestinian families.

Rachel Corrie killed in an Israeli cold-blooded crime remembered

American peace activist Rachel Corrie was killed on March 16 2003 after an Israeli soldier deliberately crushed her while she was trying to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian house.

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