Fri 20-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Palestinian complaint filed to arrest Obama upon his arrival in Ramallah

The democratic press assembly in Palestine filed a complaint with the Palestinian attorney general in Ramallah against Barack Obama calling for arresting and bringing him to justice.

Trying to revive a false hope

President Obama is due to arrive in occupied Palestine in less than two weeks in a much-heralded visit aimed according to American sources at reinforcing the Israeli- American alliance.

Jerusalemite citizen forced to demolish his own home

A Palestinian citizen was forced to demolish his own home in Bab Hetta in the Old City of Jerusalem on Monday after the Jerusalem Municipality issued a demolition order for his property.

1948-Palestinians visit Arafat’ house and Sharawna’s mother

A delegation from 1948-occupied Palestine headed by Sheikh Raed Salah visited the city of al-Khalil to express condolences and to participate in various events.

Int’l law expert: Israel’s violations against prisoners amount to war crimes

Professor of international law Hanna Issa said the Israeli violations which the Palestinian prisoners are exposed to amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity under international law.

Jaradat’s martyrdom raises alarm bells

Arafat Jaradat's martyrdom under torture in Israeli jails has set off alarm bells over the prisoners' lives especially that a number of them are in real danger.

Palestinian prisoner rushed to hospital after deterioration in his health

Palestinian prisoner Mohammed Al-Taj from Tobas city was rushed to the Israeli Meir hospital after serious deterioration in his health condition.

Al-Sanaa: Negev Palestinians face Israeli schemes

Negev Palestinians threatened to declare a third Palestinian uprising in case the Israeli authorities implemented its plans to displace and exile tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Negev.

IPS extends isolation of two Palestinian prisoners

The Israeli prison service (IPS) extended the solitary confinement of two Palestinian prisoners in Beersheba jail for one month.

Israel soldier posts photo of Palestinian boy in cross-hairs of sniper rifle

An IOF soldier has published a photograph of what appears to be a Palestinian boy in the cross-hairs of a sniper's rifle prompting angry criticism after it was picked up by The Electronic Intifada..

New Israeli plan to seize 120 dunums of Palestinian land north of J’lem

The Islamic Christian commission for patronizing Jerusalem and holy sites revealed an Israeli plan to annex 120 dunums of land in Shuafat and Beit Hanina town north of occupied Jerusalem.

Documentary in Britain showing Palestinians’ suffering in Iraq

The London based Palestinian Return Center hosted the first film screening of the documentary “Displaced in Diaspora” translated to English showing the plight of Palestinian refugees.

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