Fri 20-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Anti-wall marches held in solidarity with slain activist Rachel Corrie

Some anti-wall marches of the West Bank on Friday afternoon were dedicated to advocating the issue of slain peace activist Rachel Corrie who was crushed brutally to death by an Israeli bulldozer.

Al-Mezan: acquittal of Corrie’s murderers a green light for more crimes

Director of al-Mezan center for human rights Issam Younis considered the acquittal of murderers of American activist Rachel Corrie a new moral disgrace for the Israeli legal system.

On Lieberman the Corries and Shiite extremists

The Zionist-Stalinist foreign minister of the apartheid Israeli regime is asking President Muhammed Mursi of Egypt to commit political and moral suicide by visiting Israel.

Hamas condemns the acquittal of Corrie’s murderers

Hamas Movement condemned the Israeli court's decision to acquit the Israeli occupation army of killing American activist Rachel Corrie.

Israeli court exonerates army over murder of Rachel Corrie

Israeli Central Court in Haifa exonerated the Israeli occupation army of the murder of American activist Rachel Corrie who was crushed to death by an army bulldozer.

Wounded Palestinian prisoner’s family calls for putting an end to his suffering

Palestinian prisoner Othman Ibrahim Younis from the city of Qalqilya in the West Bank who suffers from a serious health condition entered his eleventh year in the Israeli occupation's prisons.

U.S.: Israeli probe into activist Corrie’s death wasn’t ‘credible’

Israel’s investigation into the death of American activist Rachel Corrie by an Israeli bulldozer nine years ago was not satisfactory U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro told the Corrie family.

IOF arrests prisoner’s disabled father

Tadamun Foundation for Human Rights stated that the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) arrested several days ago a father of a prisoner held in occupation jails for nine years.

They are slaughtering Palestinians in the name of Palestine

It is not exactly known how many Palestinians have been so far killed in Syria since the outbreak of the revolution. However conservative estimates put the number at a few hundreds.

Ahrar center appeals to human rights groups to have prisoner Asfour released

Ahrar center for prisoner studies and human rights appealed to international human rights organizations to necessarily intervene to get administrative prisoner Adnan Asfour released.

Sit-in in solidarity with the sick prisoner Riadh Ameur

The Palestinian Prisoners Society ( PPS) has organized in the city of Bethlehem in the southern occupied West Bank in coordination with the Palestinian Authority detainees ministry.

British Foreign Secretary condemns Israeli building of more housing units in WB

The British Foreign Office considered that "continued systematic settlement activity and repeated breaches by the Israeli government of international law is provocative".

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