Thu 19-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Resheq: closing Palestinian charitable societies unpatriotic act

Ezzat Al-Resheq has condemned the decision of the "unconstitutional" PA government in Rammalh city to close charities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

PCHR calls for revoking decision dissolving charities

The Palestinian center for human rights has called on the illegitimate Salam Fayyad government to revoke its decision disbanding 103 charities that would sever assistance to thousands of Palestinians.

The Palestinian Judenrate

On Tuesday 28 August the American-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) regime in Ramallah decided to close down as many as 103 charities in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Judenrate

On Tuesday 28 August the American-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) regime in Ramallah decided to close down as many as 103 charities in the West Bank.

Hamas: Abbas pursuing “scorched earth” policy against us

The Hamas Movement has charged PA chief Mahmoud Abbas of pursuing a "scorched earth" policy against it in a bid to cut the road before any possible return to dialogue between him and Hamas.

Hamas: Abbas-Olmert meetings target liquidating Palestine cause

The Hamas Movement on Tuesday lashed out at PA Mahmoud Abbas's series of meetings with the Israeli premier charging that it represented "political decline aimed at liquidating the Palestine cause".

Palestinian child suffers burns in fire at refugee camp on borders

A five-year-old Palestinian child suffered moderate burns when a fire broke out in one of the tents in the Walid camp pitched on the Iraqi-Syrian borders then extended to reach her family's tent.

Mimicking Oslo

Olmert hopes that Abbas will consent to a new road map which can be reached outside any international umbrella including the putative regional-international conference slated for November.

Mimicking Oslo

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert hopes that Abbas will consent to a new road map for peace which can be reached outside any international umbrella.

Women prisoners yearn for day of freedom

The Zionist prisons hold behind their bars more than 115 Palestinian women who are deprived from sun light and fresh air.

PRC: Foreign Minister remarks on refugees extremely offensive and damaging

The Palestinian Return Centre London has written a letter of protest to the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband regarding a statement by his Minister of State on the Palestinian refugees.

IOA flattens Jerusalemite home for the second time

The Israeli occupation authority's bulldozers on Thursday knocked down the home of a Palestinian Jerusalemite at the pretext he did not obtain prior permit from the IOA-controlled municipality.