Mon 16-September-2024

Search Results for: 03

Odwan calls for facilitating the entry of Palestinians in Iraq into PA-run lands

The PA government on Wednesday declared that it was exerting intensive efforts to facilitate the return of Palestinian refugees in Iraq into Palestinian lands controlled by the PA in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Odwan wants Palestinian refugees in Iraq back home

PA refugees’ affairs minister Dr. Atef Odwan has affirmed that conditions of Palestinian refugees in Iraq were sharply deteriorating and that his ministry suggested allowing them entry into the PA-run lands.

Nightmare of Eilat explosion disturbs Israeli settlers

Nightmare of the Monday’s deadly explosion in the 1948-occupied Palestinian city of Um Al-Rashrash (Eilat) on the Red Sea where three Israeli settlers were killed and seven others wounded was disturbing Israeli settlers in the city.

Odwan urges immediate release of kidnapped Palestinian refugees in Iraq

PA refugees' affairs' minister Dr. Atef Odwan has urged the immediate and unconditional release of scores of Palestinian refugees kidnapped at the hands of Iraqi police forces in the middle of the Iraqi capital Baghdad Tuesday ..

Palestinians in Europe hold 5th conference

Palestinian refugees in the European continent have decided to hold their fifth annual conference this year in May in the Dutch city of Rotterdam according to the conference's general secretariat.

UNHCR concerned over Palestinian refugees in Iraq

The Geneva-based UNHCR on Friday expressed concern over the conditions of 15000 Palestinian refugees residing in Iraq under constant fear.

IOF soldiers wound Palestinian in Gaza kidnap more West Bankers

IOF troops stationed to the east of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday fired at and seriously wounded a Palestinian man east of Gaza city while more Palestinians were rounded up in the West Bank.

Odwan urges Maliki’s government to protect Palestinians in Iraq

The noticeable increase in numbers of Palestinian refugees killed and kidnapped in Iraq has apparently spurred PA refugee affairs' ministry to urge the government of Iraqi premier Nuri Al-Maliki to protect Palestinian refugees in his country.

Livni demands annulling Palestinian refugees’ right of return

Nazareth - The Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni has urged the world community especially countries hosting Palestinian refugees to annul those refugees' right of return.

Palestinian population close to 10 millions worldwide

Ramallah - Based on data revealed by the Palestinian central statistics apparatus Palestinian population worldwide has reached 9.8 millions in mid 2005 including 5 millions living in the diaspora 1.1 inside the 1948-occupied lands and 3.7 millions in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

Israeli settler killed another seriously wounded in resistance attack

Beit Hanun - An Israeli settler was killed and another was seriously injured on Wednesday in a Palestinian resistance missile attack from the Gaza Strip on Sderot settlement to the north of the Strip.

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