Sat 5-October-2024

Administrative detainees

Seven administrative detainees continue hunger strike

Seven Palestinian prisoners have continued their hunger strike in protest at their detention administratively with no trial or indictment.

Five administrative detainees suspend their hunger strike

Five Palestinian prisoners from al-Khalil province on Thursday suspended their hunger strike after the Israeli prison service (IPS) responded to their demands.

7 administrative detainees on hunger strike in Israeli jails

Seven Palestinian political prisoners have been on hunger strike for different periods in protest at their administrative detention in Israeli lock-ups without charge or trial.

Six Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike

Six Palestinian prisoners rejailed after their release have been on hunger strike for about five days in protest at their detention administratively in Ofer and Negev prisons.

Hasan Awiwi enters day 56 of his hunger strike in Israeli jail

Palestinian prisoner Hasan al-Awiwi a 35-year-old from al-Khalil has entered day 56 of his open-ended hunger strike in an Israeli jail.

Five administrative detainees on hunger strike for several days

Five Palestinian prisoners have been on open-ended hunger strike for several days in protest at their detention administratively with no trial or indictment.

Mother of hunger striker Farraj appeals for information about her son

The mother of Palestinian prisoner Khaled Farraj has appealed to international human rights groups and the Red Cross to intervene to know the fate of her son who has been on hunger strike for about 25 days in protest at his administrative detention.

Palestinians jailed without trial continue to boycott Israeli courts

Some 450 Palestinian administrative detainees have been on open-ended boycott refusing to attend Israeli military court hearings since February 2018.

Ofer court extends administrative detention of prisoner Farraj

The Israeli military court of Ofer has extended the administrative detention of Palestinian prisoner Ismail Farraj for the fourth consecutive time.

Israeli court recommends freezing administrative detention of Shuka

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has said there is an Israeli intention to end the administrative detention of hunger-striking prisoner Hasan Shuka.